Friday, December 31, 2010

Trying some new things...

Our church is doing a church-wide fast for the month of January. I've really only heard about it through the grape-vine because I haven't been to church in almost 2 months!! So hard to believe, but things have just been coming up every weekend. Out of town and sickness mostly. So I really don't know all the details, and at first I was honestly like "I'm not going to fast." Very callous of me...

Then I started getting convicted. And I've realized that I've really stumbled pretty far. My quiet time is pretty much non-existent, and not very deep when I do have it. And I've become very selfish. Having a newborn can really shed some light on just how selfish you are. Early morning feedings plus fussy babies leave me pretty ungracious. I'm not a nice person at all. And not a very fun person to be around.

For the past several days, I've really felt my Father coaxing me back into his arms. I've been running and not dealing with things as they should be. As He wants me to. And I'm being shown what needs to change in me. I was shown that I needed this fast. For my health and sanity, and for my family.

A meal fast is not really an option right now with breastfeeding. Plus I'm usually eating on the go, so fasting a meal would probably not be very beneficial anyways. So I started thinking and praying about what I should be fasting. I was shown two very clear ways to go. Facebook. I don't know why or how I get so consumed in it. But I sit down to look at a few things while I'm nursing, and then all of a sudden I've wasted so much time. I never intentionally do it, but it always draws me in. So I'm going to fast it for a month to teach myself discipline concerning it. After the month is through I'll see where God leads me to next.

The other way to go is to eliminate sweets. I've been so emotional about my body since Rachel was born. But I've not done anything to help it get back. And I've found that I eat out of boredom ALOT! Like when the kids are napping I usually go and find the most unnutritious thing in the house and sit down and eat it. It doesn't help that I feel like I'm starving all the time. So I'm going to fast sweets for a month. I really need to get in the habit of eating more healthy. For my body right now, and for the future. I've had gestational diabetes with all 3 of my kids, and they say you have a higher risk of developing diabetes if you've had it. So I want to take control of that situation now before it's too late!

So that's the plan. No facebook or sweets for a month. I'm super nervous about this, which tells me that it's definitely the way I need to go. But I'm also very excited to see what's in store! I'll still blog when I have a few moments, so I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

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