Friday, January 7, 2011

3 Months!

Wow, I cannot believe Rachel is 3 months old today! I look at her, and she's still my little newborn. Although, she's really not so little anymore. And she's so interactive now. She smiles all the time, and she's laughing now. She not only smiles at me and Josh, but she also loves when Hannah and Elijah come near and she'll give them a big smile. And she's starting to "talk." She gets in these moods where she just goes on and on cooing and making sounds. It's like she's trying to have a conversation. It's so adorable. I really truly want her to stay little, she's just so darn cute and cuddly right now!

She's so happy! This is a BIG smile!

She's getting so big. And Long!

These pictures make me smile! This is how I usually find her in the morning!

How could I not be happy to get her out of bed??


  1. These pictures are too cute Stephanie!

  2. Sooo cute! She is growing fast! I want my little man to stay little too!
