Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gosh, it's been a while!

Well, I wouldn't say life is "busy" right now, but it is very much "full" of babies. That's really all I do! Here's a run-down of a typical day: Rachel usually wakes up around 7:30, and I nurse her in the bed usually. Sometime during that, Elijah and Hannah wake up and usually play in the living room. When I finish with her, she usually goes back to sleep. Then I get up and go fix breakfast. Give them breakfast, and then I usually try and get things done around the house. Wash clothes, clean kitchen, clean up after breakfast, and take a shower! Then by that time, Rachel is back up again. I feed her and then make lunch. Clean up after lunch, and then it's time for a nap. We read a book, then I put the babies in bed. Go in several times to tell them to lay down, and stop throwing toys. Then it's time to feed Rachel again. She nurses and I lay down with her. For some reason she won't nap at this time unless I will lay with her. So when she goes to sleep, I will either take a nap too or go enjoy some silence in the house. :) Then the babies wake up, and I get them some type of snack. Rachel wakes up, and I feed her. Then I try and go about making dinner. Rachel likes to cluster feed during this time, so I'm usually trying to feed her and make dinner at the same time. Josh usually comes in around this time, and can a least monitor and play with Elijah and Hannah. Get dinner ready, and we eat. I'm usually feeding Rachel and taking bites here and there. Then it's time for bed. Elijah and Hannah get baths every other night, and pjs on, a book read, and then back in their beds. I clean up after dinner and give Rachel a bath and then nurse her again. Josh and I usually watch tv during this time. Then he goes to bed, while I finish up with her. She's usually asleep around 12, and I go and zonk out myself. Then we start it all again! That's usually how it goes down, but there are variations. Not to mention all the diaper changes, and disciplining. A good day is when mommy gets a shower, Elijah and Hannah play nice together, and Rachel gets her naps in! :) It may not be an interesting life, but it's mine right now. And I wouldn't trade it. One day I know God will have something more challenging for me, but until that day comes I know I'm just supposed to care for my children and get a healthy, warm meal on the table for dinner!

In other news, we sold Josh's trailblazer (don't try and keep up with the vehicles he's had!) and we are now looking for a new truck. So that's really been consuming our weekends. Last weekend, we went down to Florida to look at a Silverado. It turned out to have a lot of issues, and wasn't worth buying. So next weekend, we are planning another trip to go and look at some Tacomas. I hope it works out!

We also just took a long trip up to Nashville for Thanksgiving. I was nervous about the trip, but all the babies did very well! I don't know how they know, but they always get fussy/cranky in the last 30 minutes of the trip. But we played alot of games, and watched a lot of movies, and they slept a good bit. And we had a good visit with family in Nashville. Elijah and Winston are at ages were they can actually play together, and I honestly think they did the most bonding out of the whole family! They were so ridiculously cute together. Each year, the kids will be able to play more and more together, which is really exciting to me. Thanksgiving day was a success too with very many delicious dishes! And we recorded another Folsom Family album! I only wish that the whole trip was longer! Oh, and I got all my hair chopped off when I was up there, and I LOVE it!!

Now we are just trying to stay warm, it's been freezing! And getting ready for Christmas. We got our house decorated this weekend, then we went and helped decorate at Josh's parents last night. Now we just have to go and help my grandfather next! :) And then I need to finish all the Christmas shopping!

This year has been crazy. Up until I had Rachel, the year has gone soooo slowly. I honestly felt like I was pregnant for years, and there was no end in sight! Then as soon as I had her, the year has flown! She's two months old today! But it feels like I just had her last week. We weighed her last night, and she's 9 1/2 pounds now! So she's starting to pack it on. Her body is much more fuller now, and her face is getting plump!

Anyways, that's about it. I was going to post some pics, but the camera is in the car and it's way too cold right now. So I'll get it and post a picture post later!

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