Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No time to write anymore...

I really wouldn't say I'm so busy to write on this thing, but the only time I really have of sitting down is when I'm nursing and then my hands aren't very free to type. But I can read all I want, but writing is another story! So this might just be a short recap of what all's been going on with the Folsoms when I have a spare minute. Right now, Rachel is still sleeping and I'm sitting here enjoying the quiet with a cup of coffee. Wonderful! Sure there are several chores neeeding to be done, but they'll eventually get done..

Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote. Let's go back a few weekends! The weekend before Christmas, Josh and I decided to go down to Florida and look at another truck. It happened to work out to where we could get his parents to watch the older two kids while we went down ourselves. So we decided to take advantage and have a date night on Friday on our way down. We had an old gift card to Applebee's, so we stopped in Valdosta and ate there. Rachel slept the whole time! So it was nice to be able to just focus on each other, and actually finish a conversation! :)

Then we drove down to Branford, to stay at the river that night. We woke up early to drive down to a town called Englewood, Fl. Which is a little south of St. Pete. Very long drive! Anyways we looked at a truck and ended up buying it! It's a 1999 Toyota Tacoma, and needs some work. But Josh has really been enjoying mechanicing so he bought it to fix up. Anyways, we decided to drive all the way back that night, so we could go to church the next day. We drove for a while, then stopped and ate at Cracker Barrell! Yum! And I fed Rachel. (You know, breastfeeding in public wouldn't be that bad if everyone wouldn't STARE you down!) Then we got back on the road. Not 10 minutes later, Rachel started screaming at the top of her lungs! I called Josh and we stopped. I thought she might have needed some more burping. As soon as I picked her up she stopped. Tried burping for a while, and got a few little ones and she was completely happy. So we got back on the road. And she started screaming again! I knew she just wanted to be held, so I tried driving for a while to see if she would fall asleep. She basically screamed for two hours straight and then fell asleep the last hour of the drive! Very exhausting! But it did keep me awake!

Anyways, I probably would have stopped again with her, but we got a call from Josh's parents that Hannah had hit her head on their headboard and gashed her forehead open! So I was panicky about that and trying to get home quickly. We finally made it home, and she did hit it pretty good. It was still bleeding almost 3 hours after it happened and the cut just wouldn't close up, so we decided to go to the ER with her. Josh took her, and I went home with the other two. They were there until almost 3, and she ended up getting 3 stitches! But apparantly she was a real trooper and did really good! So that was that weekend, and we ended up not going to church!

Last week was a time to recuperate. I don't think we left the house all week! Hannah and Elijah both had colds and plus there was lots to do before Christmas. Wrapping presents, baking cookies, cooking sides for all the dinners. So we were busy!

Then it was Christmas eve already! We got over to Josh's parents and eat a fancy meal together. Then we open presents from Josh's grandmother. We watch a movie together and then go to bed!

There were several people sick this year, which kinda put a damper on the whole thing. Eli and Hannah were still getting over colds. And Josh and his mom were both really sick with like a flu-like cold! Not pretty. And not easy for me because I was doing everything while Josh was pretty much out of it for like 5 days straight! But Christmas still came! We had a good time that morning at his parents, and it was exciting to watch the babies open their gifts. They are really understanding now, and it's fun to watch them get so excited! Rachel slept the entire time! Then we packed up and headed to my parents where we ate a big lunch and then opened more presents! We hung out all afternoon, and then went back to Josh's parents to pick up our stuff. We ended up staying for dinner and then decided to just stay the night again. Then Sunday we packed up and headed home. We didn't go to church again because Josh was still really sick. So we just had a nice leisurely day at home. Which I definitely needed. I was exhausted! Josh is finally better, and back to his old self! Boy, am I glad to have him back! :)

Now we are just enjoying time at home. So many new toys to play with! Elijah and Hannah have been constantly busy!

I can't believe that the new year is only a few days away! We've decided to take another trip down to the River house for the weekend to celebrate. We usually do this with Josh's entire family, but this year it will probably be just our little family. But I'm excited! It's nice to get away because you're forced to spend time all together and we've been missing that lately!

I have some pictures of all our adventures, so I'll post them again in another blog later! Gotta go, Rachel's stirring...

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog until I went back on mine and saw that you had commented. I bookmarked it, so I will read it :)

    Congratulations on the birth of Rachel! She's so cute, and I think looks different than Elijah and Hannah.

    Hope all of you stay healthy and have a great New Year!
