Friday, October 1, 2010

I love good reports!

Well, this week didn't start off that great. I went in to see my regular doctor, and during the monitoring, he noticed that the baby's heartrate was going down when I had some contractions. It didn't happen everytime, but a few times. He said that it could indicate low amniotic fluid. So he made me wait to get an ultrasound done. When he did the ultrasound, he did notice that the amniotic fluid was low, but he wanted to get a second opinion. After waiting forever, and praying like crazy!, Dr. Adcock came in and did another one. This time he found that the fluid was just fine! Jesus is good! It feels like doctors just like to scare you. They tell you the worst possible scenario for everything.

Well, the amniotic fluid was good, but he also measured the baby and said that it was still very small. I was scheduled to see the specialist on Thursday, so he said that I should still go to that, but he was fairly confident that they would need to induce me on Friday. I'm so tired of hearing those words! I asked him several questions about it, and if we could go a more natural route like stripping my membranes or breaking my water. He said that those are not guaranteed to put me in labor, so he would need to use pitocin. That way it would be easier to keep my blood levels right. I was so frustrated! It felt like he wasn't listening to me at all. I know he was probably just being cautious, but I don't understand what the difference is in having a natural birth. I did it with my first two, without complications.

Anyways, I left there a complete wreck. Frustration just brings tears in my case. So I cried all the way home. I just didn't feel any peace with the whole situation. And I left there basically thinking we were going to have a baby on Friday, so I had to get things ready.

So that's basically what I've been doing all week. Just trying to tie up loose ends, get the house clean, pack the bags, everything I could think of!

Well, yesterday was my appointment with the specialist. Over the week, I had started feeling a lot more peace. (Thanks for the prayers!) And I had a gut feeling that everything was going to be just fine with the growth of the baby. I was still a little nervous though. So Josh's mom drove me to Albany, just in case I did go into labor. (Seriously, I'm having contractions like crazy these days!) I got my ultrasound, and the doctor came in and said that the baby was growing just fine! It had grown 15 days-worth of growing in 15 days, so it's right on track. It's still small, though, estimating about 5 3/4 lbs. But they are thinking it's just a small baby.

I was sooo very happy to hear him say that! I actually forgot all my other questions to ask him, because that's really all I wanted to hear! He did say they would probably like to induce at 39 weeks because of the baby being small. Which I really don't understand. But I'm just praying that I just go into labor before that time comes. I really feel like it could be any day now!

The baby was also laying horizontally during the ultrasound. I really think it's just moving all around though. Because last week it's head was down. I think it'll get in the right position, when he/she is ready to come!

Josh and I were talking about dates the baby would come, and we realized that it could actually come on 10/10/10! Wouldn't that be really cool??

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