Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm so tired...

of being pregnant and dealing with doctors. I had another discouraging appointment today. Everything went fine, just the conversation with the doctor upset me.

They put me on the monitor as usual, and the babies heartrate was looking great. He came in and started asking me questions about what the specialist said. I told him about growth being good, and he immediately asked if the doctor had said anything about inducing at 39 weeks. Can't this guy talk to me about anything else??

I know it's his job and he's probably just being cautious, but I was very annoyed. He said that again that it would probably be good to induce, and I finally just stepped up and asked him why he thought that, and how I didn't understand why I couldn't go full term if the baby's growth was good. He basically said that they induce at 39 if there might be a problem, because that's when the babies lungs are usually developed enough. He said that the baby was in the 5th percentile on size, and they wouldn't be able to tell if anything was wrong until it was delivered. So it really felt like scare tactics. And that's what I am now, just plain scared.

He said if I really wanted to I could refuse to be induced, but I would have to sign a waiver saying I refused. I'm just confused, and don't know what to do. I don't want to jeopardize the baby's health, but I also know that God has everything planned with this baby and my body. I just want to do the right thing, and I honestly don't know what that is right now.

I'm really still praying that my body will go into labor this week, and all this worrying will be over nothing. I have to make a decision about the induction by Thursday though. And if I go with the doctor, then they'll induce on Monday.

So to all my readers, can you please pray for God's will to be done, and for me to hear from God about the right choice, and for peace during this time? I would greatly appreciate it, and hopefully this will all be over soon!

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