Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gender Prediction :)

A few weeks ago I did some online tests and old wives' tales that supposedly predict gender. They were not very conclusive whatsoever. About half said boy and half girl.

Well, just for fun Josh and I did them again including a few that I didn't do before. Here are the results:

I took 3 different quizzes-

Old Wives' Tales- 67% Girl 72% Girl
Just Mommy- 83% Girl

Needle over belly- It went from side to side, which predicts girl.

Wedding ring on string- It also went side to side, Girl.

Even & Odd Myth- This one said that you take the mother's age at conception, and the year of conception. If they are both even or both odd, it's a girl. If they are different, it's a boy.
Well, I was 26 and it's Girl again!

Chinese birth chart- Now I did this one last time and it said boy. But the site was super complicated, where you had to change the age to lunar age with a formula and using your longitude. I found a much easier site this time that changes that for you, and got a different result. Girl this time! So I'm not sure which one was accurate....I still believe in my math abilities. But it's crazy that it was girl this time.

Lastly, I did the drano test. I was cleaning out a cabinet and found some drano in the back, but it wasn't the crystals it was in the form of a gel. But I still tried it.
This one said to mix your urine and drano. If it changes to a dark color, it's a boy. And if it stays the same, it's a girl. Well when I mixed them, they just stayed seperated. So I stirred it with a stick outside, and it just turned a dull yellow. So, this test was probably not very conclusive. But if I had to go one way or another, I guess I would say girl!

So that's the results! If all is correct, we're having a girl! haha. I don't trust these tests at all, so I'm not expecting anything. But it was fun testing it all out!

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