Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well, Rachel is now over a week old and we are doing really good. I'm actually very surprised. I had kinda prepared myself for the worse with bringing home a newborn and still taking care of two toddlers. But we are all settling in to a routine and it seems to be working. Rachel makes it easy though. Everyone kept telling me that their third was really laid back and easy to take care of, and that describes her to a T. She usually only cries when she's hungry, and the rest of the time she's either sleeping or just watching things go on. There's usually a lot of action with Elijah and Hannah, so I guess they are keeping her entertained. And I thought I would have difficulties with them being loud and waking her, but she will sleep through all of it! Even the screaming right by her ear! Here she is just looking around.
Elijah and Hannah are adjusting very well with her too. They like to watch me change her diapers, and when she cries they will run to get me and they'll ask "Baby's hungry, Mama?" It's really cute. I can already tell that they are going to be protective over her. Josh's dad asked them last night if Rachel could stay with them, and Elijah got really upset and said no and that she had to go home with us. :) I also think having the baby has diverted their possessiveness over my attention. They don't seem to fight as often, and I'm catching them playing nicely with one another more. So that's been a plus as well! Here's Elijah talking to Rachel. She turned towards his voice and was really listening!

Hannah wanted a picture with her too!

So, life is really good right now. I feel so blessed to have Rachel. She's just a joy. The only real complaint is the cramping and the boob soreness! My milk is definitely in abundance, and I can't really figure out what I should do to fix it. I've had to pump for the last few nights, because I couldn't even lay down they were so full. But I know if I keep that up, my milk will never even out. You'd think I would be a pro at this by now. But with Elijah, I was pumping all the time because he wouldn't breastfeed for the first couple of months. Then when Hannah came, I absolutely refused to pump. I refused to pump or give her a bottle, because I just wanted it to work so badly. Now this time, I would like to have some stored milk and I would like to try a bottle with her when she's a little older, so I'm kinda new to this. But I know things will get better! And we'll figure it out.

I'm definitely not ready to take them all out by myself, so nothing much going on except for us hanging out at the house! And right now, naptime is calling my name...

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are going well!! Give all your kiddos a kiss for me!
