Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's getting closer!

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by. In some ways, I just want it to all slow down so I can be a little more prepared, but I'm definitely getting to the point of not wanting to be pregnant anymore! To be able to eat what I want again, to have energy again, to move without hurting! But the newborn stage is so hard to me. I've heard someone call the first three months "baby bootcamp." And I definitely understand that. The sleep deprivation and all the crazy emotions are extremely hard to deal with at times, but I know we'll get through it!

I'm about 36 1/2 weeks now, so we are almost there! I had two doctor's appointments this week, and everything looks pretty good. I'm still measuring a little small, but he said the baby's heartbeat is looking really good. I had one strong contraction today, like peaking around 100, and I asked him about it and he said that they would not try to stop labor from now on. So it really could be any day, even though I feel like I still have a couple of weeks at least. I would definitely like the baby to get a little bigger. I have another ultrasound next Thursday to check growth, so hopefully everything will be fine.

They are actually beginning to discuss induction if the baby is still small next week. He said that it might be good to induce at 39, so that he/she will have a better opportunity to grow outside of the uterus. It's not definite yet, but just talking to me about it makes me nervous. I REALLY want to go as natural as possible, and inducing at 39 just seems silly. I want to do the right/healthy thing for the baby, but I honestly don't understand why they would need to induce if the baby is growing. What if it's just a small baby? I'm not very assertive at all, but I really want to tell him no. I mean, is there a graceful way to tell a doctor that I think he's wrong, and refuse to be treated??

I'm praying that it won't even come to that. Either the baby will have made leaps and bounds in growth. Or I'll have the baby on my own before 39. It's so strange. I've been worried this whole time about going full-term with this baby, and now they are already discussing taking it early! I can't seem to please anyone with my pregnancies! :)

Good news, though, is that I had my last progesterone shot on Monday! This is the medicine that was supposed to help me go full-term without being on bedrest, and I think it did a pretty good job! So, I'm not sure how the medicine wears off or anything, but we'll see how next week goes without it!


  1. I'm so excited for you Stephanie! As a natural minded Mama, I would definitely fight for your chance to birth naturally if baby is doing ok..Stick to your guns if thats what you want and everything is ok! :)

  2. I tried to reply earlier and I'm not sure if it went through so I'm trying again. If you get two, I apologize.

    I wanted to encourage you to do some research. A lot of complications can arrise from induction. Pitocin often leads for an irregular heart beat and ends in an unnecessary c-section. Maybe if you did some reading on it, it would help you to be more firm. If you're already feeling like you should say no it might give you some cofidence. You have to do what is right for you and your baby. Pray about it. Doctors are very quick to intervene or medicate. Trust your insticts. I'm sure that everything will turn out great! I will pray for a growth spurt in the mean time. Addison was born at 38 weeks 4 days and she weighed only 6.14.

  3. The doctor can't make you get induced. Just nicely tell him that you aren't comfortable with it, and if he persists just say "I'm really sorry, but I'm not going to do it". You can do it! It's your body and your baby, and you've got to trust your instinct!

  4. I'm praying for you Steph!! God's timing will be perfect. I was "induced" with Johnny and Michelle. I knew I was going to be and told them I wanted it as natural as possible...absolutely no drugs. With J they broke my water and I went into labor and with Michelle the striped me and I went into labor. I knew God was at work both, just trust Him and do as He directs.
