Sunday, September 12, 2010

A little of this and that!

Today we finally went back to church. It's probably been 3-4 weeks since we've been. Things just kept coming up, like being out of town or having sick children, but we made it back today and it was really good. The church is still without a permanent pastor, but I've really been enjoying Josh's dad filling in. He's such a good leader and teacher, and I've learned a lot! I think the search for a new pastor is coming to a close soon. At least Josh's dad hinted at that, so I'm a little sad. Change is hard. And I'm a little nervous about who it will be and if I'll like him. I've been praying a lot lately that the elders will make the right decision.

We had a really good time visiting with family this weekend! Denise and Jacob, and their son Malachi, came down from Nashville. We hung out Friday night, and then they had Malachi's first birthday party Saturday afternoon. And then we had dinner and hung out that night too. So it was a full weekend. I miss them alot, and they really make us consider moving to Nashville to be closer! Maybe one day!

Josh is still on the job hunt. He's applied almost everywhere and had several interviews, but nothing has panned out. It's crazy because some of the interviews he's had, he came out really believing he would get the job and then some crazy circumstance keeps him from getting it. It's really been unbelievable. Just Friday, he was guaranteed a job but he had to have a clearance letter from the doctor for his back from a previous car accident. Well we didn't have one in our records and of course the doctor's office was closed and the paperwork had to be in that day at 5!! So frustrating. But I know God has big plans for him, and hopefully something will happen soon!

Josh also sold his truck today too! He figured he could go to something smaller and make a little extra money that way. So that's good! But now we are down to one car again until he finds something else.

In pregnancy news, my body is really starting to gear up for labor. I've been having Braxton hicks like crazy!! It got so bad one day that I ended up calling the doctor about it. They were happening about every 15 minutes, and the nurse told me to drink a lot of water and lie down the rest of the day. I think I had just overdid it and gotten dehydrated, because they eventually calmed down. I had a doctor's appointment Thursday, and still no contractions to be concerned about! I'll be 35 weeks on Tuesday, so in that sense things are going really good this time!

The doctor's are still concerned about the baby being a little small though. And the baby is still breach, so that's also a concern. So if you think about us, please pray that the baby's growth is up, and that he/she turns and gets into the right position! My regular doctor has now moved me up to two appointments a week!! And I also have an appointment with the specialist this week. So 3 doctor's visits this week! I'm pooped thinking about it! And then they tell you to not overdo it! :) Some good news, though, I only have 1 or 2 more progesterone shots in the butt to do! I'm excited about that!

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll update when I get reports from the doctor's!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for a move to Nashville!! Thanks for hanging out with us this weekend. We love you!
