Thursday, September 16, 2010

A week full of doctors!

This week has been somewhat busy, but it's only been busy because of all the doctor's appointments!

Monday, I had a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning. I went in and they put the monitor on me. I could already feel that I was having some contractions that morning, but they were not regular at all, and I felt like they were just Braxton hicks. The monitor was showing some faint contractions, but they were so randomly spaced. So, when the doctor came in I asked him if the machine would pick up braxton hicks, and he said it would but I was probably not able to feel them. I assured him that I was feeling every single one. They weren't painful, but I could definitely feel things getting tight and then relaxing. He started asking me all these questions about how they felt, and then I think he was just being overly cautious. He wanted to do a fetal fibronectin test, which can tell you if you would go into labor within the next 3 days. And while waiting for the results, which he said would be about an hour, then he wanted me to go to the hospital to continue to be monitored. So, I went to the hospital and got strapped in again. I was still having contractions, and they were pretty close together, but not very strong at all. I thought I would only be there an hour, but it ended up being like 4 hours. It gets so extremely uncomfortable laying on your back and being strapped to a monitor. I really thought I was going to go crazy! FINALLY, they came and told me that the test came back negative, which was a big relief. But they wanted to give me some brethine to stop the contractions before they let me go. So eventually, the contractions stopped all together and they let me go home! I was starving when I left!

I took it easy the rest of the day, and relaxed on Tuesday as well. Then I had another appointment with the specialist on Wednesday. They did an ultrasound, and said that the baby was still a little small, weighing about 5 pounds. But it had grown 13 days worth in 14 days. I thought that sounded pretty good, but I have to go again in 2 weeks to check growth. The doctor really thinks that it's just a small baby, which is fine as long as he/she is healthy! The ultrasound also showed that the baby was stretched out sideways. So still not completely in the right position, but closer! :)

Then today, I had another appointment with my regular doctor. He monitored me again, and he said the baby looked really good and no contractions at all! So that was really good! He also felt my stomach, and he thinks that the baby is head down! So that's really good!! I think because it is so small that it's still just swimming around in there! :)

If we could go a few more weeks, I would be happy. Just to get him/her a little bigger, and for me to finish some things around here. I've been nesting like crazy, but I feel pretty good at what's been accomplished. I have a total of 7 frozen casseroles in the freezer, and I have one more I'm planning on making. And then just some basic clean-up and packing is all I feel i have left. It would be so great to know when labor will begin. That way I could clean the house the day before! I just keep thinking about how I just want to come home from the hospital to a really clean house. Weird, the things that I think about!

Oh, very exciting news! (At least to me!) Only one more progesterone shot! Good thing, because the muscles in my butt are starting to retaliate!


  1. I'm so glad that things are going well. I know how stressful these last few weeks can be and how every ache and pain puts you on alert. Relax and take it easy. I'll miss you Sunday!!!

  2. So glad things are going well and baby Folsom is hanging in there! I know how hard it can be to want to nest, but need to rest! Just TRY for a couple of weeks. Especially if the baby is small, having some good healthy fat around its body will help. I'm praying for you girl! Still can't wait to see how close our babies choose their birthdays. :)
