Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So different...

The other night I was sitting in the living room watching Elijah and Hannah play, and I was amazed at just how different they are. They've grown up in very similar environments, but you can already see there personalities coming out. I think it's fascinating!

Elijah is definitely more sensitive. He's sensitive in situations and towards me. When he does something he's not supposed to be, and I get on to him, he's just extremely upset about it. I really don't have to spank him either, he just realizes that I'm upset and it upsets him. He cries and then immediately wants to be in my lap to make sure I'm not mad at him. I love this about him! He just wants to please me. Because once he gets in trouble for something, I rarely have to tell him no again. He's so tenderhearted, and very much a rule follower.

But because he's so sensitive, little things just bother him. And he's getting into a stage of just whining about it. He likes things to be a certain way, and when his world changes, it upsets him greatly! Hannah likes to just mess with him too. She knows that he gets upset, so she's usually just barely doing something that annoys him. And then the fights erupt! We are trying really hard to "toughen him up" a little bit!

Hannah on the other hand is completely different. She wants to be the center of everything. And she wants to do everything her brother is doing. She's our comedian. She's always trying to find ways to make me laugh, and she usually succeeds. I love watching her! She's got so much spirit and personality! But she is definitely a handful. Unlike Elijah, she has to be disciplined ALOT! She's always getting into things, usually for the dozenth time! We've caught her eating deodorant several times, and desitin, and many other things throughout the house. But she's so carefree. She gets upset when she's disciplined, but she's usually over it in less than a minute, and trying to get you to smile again. And she's tough, she'll fall head first into the dirt and get up and say "uh oh" and wipe herself off and keep playing!

Lately, we've been trying to do things seperately for both of them and let them do something fun alone. Elijah loves these times, he LAVISHES in them! But Hannah, the whole time she's away, is asking "Where's Elijah?" I mean like over and over and over. It's funny at first, until you explain it to her for the 100th time!

I just love how they are so different, and I can't wait to see how their personalities expand as they grow. And what will the new baby be like? Should be very interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Tristan seems to be just like Hannah! He whines a lot too though. And he does and says some really WEIRD things that we don't like at all. I'm wondering how Collie is going to be!
