Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fun, but tiring weekend!

We had a pretty good weekend, but I feel dead on my feet right about now! We went into the weekend with no plans at all, but ended up doing quite a bit! Friday night, Gene and Stephanie came over and we got some food and ate it at our house. We were planning on watching a movie, but ended up talking instead and never got around to it. We all decided that night that it would be fun to take the boat out the next day on a small lake here in Moultrie.

So Saturday morning they came over, and we went to the lake. We took the babies, and I was kinda thinking I might just end up sitting on the dock with the babies while everyone else got to go on the boat. But we put them in there and they did surprisingly well! Hannah did awesome! She was really happy and excited for most of the time, and then later she even fell asleep. Elijah was a little scared at first, but he got used to it and did really good too! Josh skiied and then I gave it a try...with no luck! This is the second time I've tried, and the next time..I'm gonna get it! It was really alot of fun though! The only thing is that I thought I wouldn't need sunscreen because we were only going to be out there for a couple of hours. Bad Idea! I'm sooo burnt!

So, anyways..we came back later that afternoon..the babies were pooped and needed naps and then we just hung out at home the rest of the night. I was really tired too, I think the sun took all my energy.

Well, then this morning Josh and Stewart led worship and I sang. That's not a big deal, but it always takes alot of energy out of me! I guess its because we have to get up early and get ready and then practice and then do the service. I'm always so tired afterwards. So we went and ate and then came back home. And of course the babies slept on the way home, so Hannah was wide awake when we got home. So no nap for me :(

Well, we just ate dinner and Josh is bathing the kids, and then bedtime! I'm so ready!


  1. I love when you post stuff! It makes me feel a little bit closer to home :)

  2. Oops, that was from me, Denise. I can't really figure out your comments page :)
