Friday, August 7, 2009

One day at a time...the meaning behind the title.

Well, I have a problem. I'll just start by admitting it. My problem is this: I'm always trying to live in the future. I've always done it, all of my life. In middle school, I fantasized about high school. That's where all the great things would happen! I get to high school, and I fantasize about how life would be different in college. In college, I think about life and how it would be when I would be out of school all together. I could have a life, get married, have babies. I mean I'm not saying its bad to think about those things, but I would do it so much to the point where I wasn't living my life in the present. Just always thinking life would start in the next stage. Boy, was I ever wrong!

God has definitely been showing me the error of my ways lately. I mean, here I am, married with two babies, thinking about how when we can make a little more money, and we can get a bigger house, then my life would begin. It's really quite sad! I mean my life is really in its prime right now! There's a lot going on! I have two amazing children that surprise me every day in the things they learn and do. They are growing up so fast, that I'm really learning how to sit back and enjoy the stages they go through. My husband and I are almost to our 5th anniversary, and I love him more now than I ever have! We have great family and friends, and more to do than we even have time for. So life is happening! And I'm really just beginning to see that. God has really put it on my heart to just live one day at a time. To enjoy each day and what it brings. And to not worry about what life will throw at us next. (I'm a major worrier.)

So anways, just wanted to share the meaning behind my blog title!

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog title. Didn't know what it mean because to me sometimes I have to take each day at a time because I can be overwhelmed and stressed and have to sit back and just take each day at at time. I keep waiting for it to get easier and it's not going to for a really long time! haha
