Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm pooped!

Well, I think the title speaks for itself! This is been one of the most exhausting and challenging weeks ever! Josh left for Texas, as I said in by last blog, on Tuesday. The week started out pretty good, I had convinced myself that I could handle it all alone! Then, things started getting bad. Hannah, for one, has stopped sleeping through the night. And she wakes up at different times at night, so I can't even prepare myself on when it might be. I think things are always worse when you haven't had sleep. And then Elijah has been on and off sick. I don't really know what's going on with him. One day, he had an awful rash all over his body. Then it was gone the next day. He's been running a fever too, and not eating. I think it might all just be teething, but he has not been happy! Maybe he was just missing his daddy a little too.

Everything came to a head Saturday night. Both babies were super fussy, I was sleep deprived, and then...I practically broke the nail on my big toe off by shutting a closet door on it! I just broke down and cried, we all cried. But then..bed time came! Blessed bed time. A time when the whole house is silent. I really love that time. So, I sat down in the silence and remembered that my husband would be home tomorrow. I couldn't wait! Another adult to help with the babies, an adult to have an adult conversation with! My best friend in the world would be back tomorrow, and things would be ok.

Sunday was alot better. We didn't go to church, but that's ok. I really don't think I could have handled getting everyone ready, and carrying everything into church. So we used that day to rest! We all took pretty long naps, and I felt alot better!

Josh flew in pretty late that night into Jacksonville, and then he had to drive the close to 3 hour drive home. So he got in about 1:30, so I stayed up to greet him! He really makes my world so much better. He keeps me calm, makes me laugh when I get hysterical, and just helps out more than I could ever ask. I will try to never take him for granted. Maybe that's what this week was for, to show me how much he does for us. I also decided that he was not going on any long trips without me again!

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