Monday, August 24, 2009

Beach trip!!

Well, this weekend was full! Friday night, we went to our friends Gene and Steph's for Gene's birthday party! It was alot of fun! We had good pizza, and good ice cream cake, and we stayed out wayyy too late!! But it was worth it!

Then on Saturday I had to pack for our trip to the beach. My friend Caroline and her husband Cade, who live in Atlanta, came down for the weekend. And they were renting a condo down at St. George Island for the weekend, so they invited us to come down. So I spent Saturday getting everything ready. We also had a church picnic that night, so we decided to go to that and then drive down to the beach afterwards.

Our plan was to leave about 9, so that the babies would fall asleep and sleep on the way there. That part worked out perfectly! What we didn't plan on, was that they would wake up when we got there! So basically they had a 3 hour nap in the car and were wide awake when we got there! So that was kinda hard. So we stayed up for about an hour, and finally put them to bed. And it probably took them another hour to finally go to sleep! So..that was a LONG night!

But we woke up the next morning and I made some cinnamon rolls..Yummy! And then we headed to the beach. This was the first time that both of my babies have seen the beach, so I was really excited! And they LOVED it! I was so happy! Elijah just loved the waves coming up and hitting him on the back, and played in the sand forever! Hannah liked the water too! She's kind of my drama queen, so I never know how she will react. But she really enjoyed it. I took her out to where I was all the way in, and she just laughed! And Josh took Elijah out, and I could hear him laughing. Well until he went under a couple of times, and then I heard crying..followed my laughing! So I think he liked it for the most part too!

The beach was so incredibly pretty though! The water was crystal clear and you could see straight to the bottom! It was amazing! And while we were in the water..a few dolphins came up pretty close! They were jumping out of the water, and it was awesome!

Well, then Hannah started getting fussy, so I took her in and layed her down for a nap. And the rest of us got in the pool that was at the condo, which was also really nice! Elijah likes swimming alot! Then we made some delicious chicken parmesan, and cut up some fruit for lunch! It was soo yummy! Playing in the water all day always makes food soo good!!

So, then Josh watched the babies while I went out with Caroline and Cade to the beach again. We just swam and talked, and it was nice to have some time on my own without worrying about the babies. Josh was super sweet to allow me to do that! He doesn't really enjoy the beach anyways...

So, then we packed up, and both babies were asleep by the time we pulled out of the driveway, and they slept for most of the way home. So that was really nice. Josh and I had some really good conversations!

So..Overall..I would say this was really an awesome trip! We had a few hiccups, but you can only expect that with babies! And the only real downfall is that...I'm soooo sunburnt! I put on sunscreen, but I don't think I reapplied as much as I should. And Elijah has a few blotchy spots as well. Spray on sunscreen sounds amazing, but it doesn't provide very good coverage in my opinion. Anyways..that's about it for this post! It's a long one!

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