Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good and Bad News

Well, I guess I'll start with the good news first. I finally got Hannah back to nursing! I say finally, but it had only been 4 days. But those days have been the most frustrating days ever! I had to pump which I really don't like doing since my first child. And not to mention, the feeling of rejection that came over me when she wouldn't have anything to do with me. I guess I just wasn't ready to give it up quite yet. So I just kept trying and trying every feeding. And then at her last feeding on Sunday, I tried and she just started like there had never been a problem at all! And she's been doing fine ever since. I got some good information from a few friends, and I really think she was teething and it may have just been painful for her. All I can say is that I'm glad we are back to normal!

Now, for the bad news. My husband left for Texas this morning for a week. His brother lives out there, and he's going to be working on his house to get it ready to sell. It's a good working opportunity, but I'm gonna be all alone with both babies! I haven't done this for such a long period of time, so I'm kinda nervous. I think this week will be all about surviving! He's probably flying out as we speak, so I'm nervous about the flying issue too. So anyone reading, please pray for traveling mercies as he goes and comes back.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that your hunny is out of town! I don't like it when Nathan leaves. The days are fine, but the nights are hard. I'll pray for peace!

    But yay for Hannah nursing again!! Glad you stuck with it! I had a feeling it might be teething just because of a few stories I have heard other moms tell. Hope everything continues to go well and you are able to nurse as long as you desire.
