Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So many thoughts..Part 1

Well, I know I haven't blogged in a while, but things have really been crazy around here lately.  And I just have so many thoughts these days...good and bad..about everything.  I honestly don't even know where to begin.

Well I'll start at the beginning.  One night, when Josh wasn't home (some sport calling him away..) I was super tired and really just wanted to relax in the bath with a book.  So I got all the babies in bed at a decent hour, but I couldn't find a book to read.  I started searching the book shelf, and all by chance (or maybe not!) I found Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. I think we've had this book for about 3 or more years, and I've skimmed it but could never really get into it.  Well, this time I had an INTENSE desire to read it! So I drew my bath, and relaxed with reading it. :)  I immediately saw some of the things he talked about in our lives, and I got super excited!  I wanted to do our own makeover!  So when Josh got home, we talked about it..and he said he's been wanting to do something too! We talked about the steps and what we were going to have to do.  We decided right then and there that we were going to take control of our finances, and get back on track.

All around the same time, we found out that the construction company that Josh worked for was slowing down.  They had several jobs lined up, but they were all falling through.  And the bossman told Josh that it looked like they might be out of work for the next 3 months.  Not good. Not good at all. Immediately Josh started looking for another job. He applied for several jobs online. The next day Lowe's called him in for an interview.  That same day, a friend was generously giving us a stove for our rental house, and she told Josh about another job that might be available.  He went in for the interview with Lowe's and it went good. Then he called about the other job and was scheduled to meet with the boss on Monday.  Things were going good!

That same weekend, Josh's parents left to go on a cruise for a week.  We had been planning for a while to do a home makeover while they were gone.  Josh's mom had this plan of tearing down the wall between the living room and den, but it just wasn't happening for her.  So the kids left in Moultrie decided that we would do it for her while she was gone, and repaint the den, living room, and kitchen as well. They left on Sunday, and we started the demo. It surprisingly didn't take long at all to tear the wall down.  But looking at the gaping hole, I started to wonder what we had gotten ourselves into.  I went home that night and said to Josh, "We just tore your parent's wall down." It was definitely surreal. There was no going back now...

Here are a few pictures of the first day!


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