Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Part 2 -What did I get myself into?

Well, my story left off with the first day of the remodel for Josh's parents! That first day went really good.  We got a lot accomplished, and everything seemed to be going as planned.   The wall got torn out, and Abbie and I made a trip to Lowe's to buy the paint.  The next few days is really all a blur! We did a lot of organizing, and painting.  And more painting.  And did I mention that we painted?  It felt like it was endless! 

During this time, I was over at their house from 9 in the morning till 9 at night! It was insane, and very exhausting.  Josh came and went as he could.  He had another Lowe's interview first thing Monday morning, and then had another meeting with a potential job later that afternoon. He went to both, and they both went really good.  He found out that the other job was with a construction company out of Atlanta that are renovating the FEMA offices in Thomasville.  The head guy liked him, but he had to pass a background check before they could let him work.  So now it was just a waiting game.  He had a few side jobs that he was doing, and was also working on the rental house in Valdosta.  Well, the FEMA guyed called him back and said that he was going to hire him temporarily until his background check came back!  So he started working for them on Thursday!  Lowe's also called and said they would like to give him a position after some paperwork came back through.  So two job offers, but nothing permanent.  So we were really still waiting on both.

The whole week, I was also still reading through The Total Money Makeover. I couldn't put it down!  I was so excited to start it, especially now with a new job on the horizon.  Josh and I talked about budgets, and what we could do to get the ball rolling. I even started thinking about selling the van, and buying something less expensive to get out of the car payments. By the way, I LOVE my van.  It takes a lot for me to consider doing this.  We eventually decided to keep it because of its reliability and the fact that we only had a little over a year of payments left on it. I was more than ok with that. Just the thought of getting rid of it made me sad.

So the week was rolling along. We were still painting, and quickly running out of steam! We needed reinforcements!  Aunt Jan came by and said she wanted to help, and it couldn't have come sooner. She, her two boys, and her husband (a professional painter) came to help.  We were sooo grateful! They helped soo much, when all we wanted to do was quit! 

More and more people started coming by and helping out where they could, which was an amazing blessing.  Then Denise, Jacob, Malachi, and Rebekah also came down at the end of the week.  This was really what we needed.  People with fresh vision!  People who weren't tired of working! :) 

Friday we all pretty much worked, and Josh came that afternoon to finish the wall. We still had a large gaping hole in the wall.  I was getting nervous.  I left at 9 or so, and there was still no rail.  And his parents were coming the next day! Luckily they weren't going to be home until late the next night.


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