Friday, April 29, 2011

Part 3- Finishing up the makeover!

Ok, so where did we leave off?

We had worked all day Friday, and I left around 9 that night. There was still a hole in the wall, but Josh was going to stay late and work on it.  All of the painting was pretty much completed, except of course for the rail that hadn't been built yet. The only other things needed to be done were moving furniture back into place, hanging pictures on the walls, and of course, ALOT of clean-up.  I needed to go home and get the kids in bed.  They did super awesome all week, but I could see that it was starting to wear on them.  We also had a birthday party to go to the next day, so I wanted them to be refreshed for that.

So, the plan for me was to go home that night, and not come back in the morning.  They could do a lot of work themselves, and I could give the babies a much needed break and an early nap before the party.  Then I would go over there after the party to help with last minute cleaning, and picture hanging. We had plenty of time because we didn't expect his parents back until late the next night.  Seemed like a great plan!

Josh stayed and worked on the rail until late that night, and then woke up and went back over there in the morning to finish.  Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and we just did our own thing at the house.  Until I got a text message from Abbie.  They had just heard from her parents, and they were going to be home around 4. "Um, what???"  "4 in the afternoon?" "Yep."  We weren't ready! 

So, the only thing they needed me to help with was hanging the pictures, so Rebekah came over and watched the babies and I ran over there.  Jacob and I were flying around the house! We were a great team! I told him where, and he would just put a screw in, and up went the picture!  Probably not the best way to do picture hanging, but it was working!  We got all the pictures up in record time, and I came back home to get the kids ready for the party.  Rebekah had fed them and put them down for naps, so things were still running rather smoothly for this bump in the road!

Oh yeah, and they had finished the rail AND painted it the night before! This was what I walked in on, and was so proud of my husband. It looked amazing!
As Josh was finishing up with the rail, and Abbie was cleaning, me and Jacob hung pics!

So off we went to Thomasville for the party.  It was kinda nice getting out of the chaos for a little while. I had just planned on leaving the party a little early so I could make it back in time. The kids had a great time! They played on the swing set and ran around, but the most fun was had on the bouncy house! (But only when all the other kids were off of it! haha)  We had cake, did presents, and then it was time to leave.  I left around 3:30, and Josh called as I was pulling out and said his parents were about 45 minutes away.  So I had plenty of time to get there right when they came in! 


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