Friday, March 18, 2011

Things that make me feel old...

So, last night I woke up with Rachel, but when I put her back to sleep I just layed there for a long time. With sleep eluding me... Anyways, during that time I started writing this blog in my head, so I wanted to write it before it went away. haha :) Well, I am officially 28 today. You know how you used to get so excited about your birthday, well now I just think about it making me another year older. I don't know when I reached this point, but it's here. Birthdays are still fun though! But there are several things in life that are just making me feel old these days!

1. Just the number. 28. That's 2 years away from 30! I honestly still feel like I could be in my early college years. And I know that 30 is not old, but it just kinda snuck up on me!

2. Questionnaires. You know when you are filling out quesstionnaires on the internet, and they ask for your birthyear. I always look at the top, where my birthyear used to be when I was 18. Now there are 10! other years in the way! I sometimes have to SCROLL down to find 1983!!

3. American Idol. They had a show this week where they sang songs from their birthyear. EVERY SINGLE CONTESTANT is younger than me! And the years they were born. 1995! How are these people not still in diapers? Not to mention that I think I'm either past or nearing the age of trying out for American Idol. Not that I ever would want to, but just the fact that I wouldn't be allowed to because I'm too old. Wow.

4. Gas. This may sound strange, but the price of gas these days makes me feel incredibly old. I can honestly remember putting gas in my car for $0.79. 79 CENTS!!! With gas nearing 4 dollars, it seems impossible that that was even possible for my generation. I know gas has been soaring for the last few years, but still. I can already hear myself telling my kids, "When I was your age, I used to pay under a dollar for gas!" And then their eyes bulge with thinking of how old I am!

Anyways, it's so very strange to think of my age. Not that I would want to go back to college age, I just feel like I'm not mature enough to say I'm 28. But I guess I am. I have a wonderful marriage and I am a mother to 3. I feel secure in who I am. I even wanted to be done with having kids by the age of 30. Seems strange that I am so close to that time table. I don't think I have that cap set in my mind anymore now that I'm almost there. :)

I read an article this week about a new record for the youngest grandmother in the world. She's 23! To think that that's even a possibility is insane! At least I'm pretty far from that milestone!


  1. I feel old too! Watching Idol also this week there was only 1 contestant older than me! I feel like these past few years have snuck up on me too. I think having babies will do that to you!

  2. I feel old as well. Just think this May will be 10 years since we graduated! The kids graduating this year were only in 2nd grade when we graduated!! I see kids I baby sat driving and going to college. I am right there with you.
