Monday, February 7, 2011

Life feels so hectic right now...

There is so much going on right now in our life. It's almost overwhelming at times. As I sat down with Josh last night after we got home from a Superbowl party, I got super sad because we were about to go to bed and another whole week of busyness was about to begin. Another whole week of not seeing my husband, after a weekend of not seeing him. And I started thinking. The last time I've spent the whole day with him was New Year's weekend! And that's because we made a trip to the river, and you are forced to spend time together there! haha :) We need to make another trip very soon!

So, I'm really not the busy one. I mean, I definitely have my hands full with three kiddos, but Josh on the other hand has sooo much going on right now. And it's just been hard without him lately. And it's been weird, because I'm sad that we don't have more time together, but at the same time the things that are going on are super exciting as well. I can really see God moving, and things are starting to "gear" up!

So here's what's going on: First, Josh now has a full-time job. VERY blessed, and I am NOT complaining about this. After almost 6 months of little to no income, this has been such a blessing and I will never take a job for granted again! So 40+ hours are dedicated to that.

Second, Josh still runs his handyman business on the side. So when he gets off, he usually has some side jobs to work on as well.

Third, the Valdosta house we still own. We've had it on the market for about 3 months, and we've decided to take it off and rent it. So it still needs a little bit of work to get it ready to rent. Mostly just painting and refinishing the floors. And we have a goal to get it all done by the first of March.

Fourth, the church. Josh is the head of the "sports ministry," which he absolutely loves. He loves getting people together and playing all sorts of sports. Now with the new pastor, they want to expand that ministry and have a lot of new programs for people to be involved in. Which is really exciting! Then yesterday, we found out that they have submitted Josh's name to be a deacon! And not to mention, he also leads worship sometimes, and plays in the band!

And lastly, the volunteer firefighters. This one has to go by the waist-side (or is it waste side? hmm..) sometimes, but he is still involved. He feels a calling to it, and especially to the guys that he volunteers with. He hasn't actually fought any fires yet, he's still in the probationary stage. But they have meetings once a week that he tries to attend when he can. And he's now getting close to the end of his probation, in which they give you gear and a radio. (Honestly, I'm not as excited about this one!)

So, it feels like a lot right now. And with three kids 3 and under, one including a nursing infant that refuses a bottle, I'm not really available to help all the time. Which is frustrating sometimes, because I want to be out there with him painting or helping with a sports program.

I want to say one thing though. Josh handles all these areas wonderfully. He never puts us on the backburner, and never ever complains about anything. If it were me, I think I would be complaining about not ever getting a nap, or working so much. But he does it for us. And then he comes home, and helps me tremendously. I'm just selfish. Just writing about all this stuff makes me feel exhausted!

But I can definitely see God moving, which is what we wanted! I know this is just a hectic time for us, and things will calm down again.

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