Monday, February 21, 2011

4 Month Check-up!

Well, we just got home from the doctor. After a little over 2 hours of being there, we are finally home! It's already hard taking all 3 there, but trying to keep them entertained for 2 hours was literally exhausting! The babies are now sleeping, which gives me time to just take a nice relaxing breath! *long sigh*

We had to go to the doctor for Rachel's 4 month check up, even though she's really closer to being 5 months. She weighed 11.7 pounds, and was 24 3/4 long. He said she's definitely small for her age in weight, but a little long for her age on height. This only makes sense. Have you seen my husband and his family?? And he wasn't worried about it, because she's growing fine.

They all did really good though. Rachel only cried when she got the two shots. And boy, it was pitiful. That's always the hardest part. I also talked to the doctor about her spitting up so much, and he put her on some Zantac to see if that helps! Hopefully so. I'm so over the spitting up, and her and me both smelling like it! Eck!

In other news, Josh is still busy as usual with really no signs of slowing down. We all went to Valdosta yesterday to work on the house. I wasn't all that much help with watching the kids, but it was nice just to be together. I'm not sure our goal of finishing it before March will happen, we only have one week left! Where does all the time go? But he's going to work hard on it this week, so maybe it'll be done by mid-March. I'm very ready to have it rented and the extra money to come in! And for the extra time to go towards working on our house!

That's all for now. Might try to lay down for a few while they are all sleeping! :)

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