Saturday, January 15, 2011

Halfway there...

Well, we are about halfway through the month of January, which means I'm about halfway through with my month-long fast. And it's been going great!

I think the first week was the hardest. I had definitely developed some habits with getting on facebook. I would wake up first thing in the morning, and eat breakfast and just look at different things on facebook and other sites. Now, I've replaced that time with prayer and Bible reading. So, that's been really good for me.

And then in the afternoons, I would get bored and just go and snack, snack, snack to fill the time. This is still really hard for me. I really do love to eat. haha. And I'm still snacking, but just trying to find healthier foods, and trying to not just eat because I'm bored. So this area still needs some work. A lot of the time I find myself walking into the kitchen, then realizing what I was about to do, and then just turning right back around. But I do find myself praying for help a lot. haha..does that count? :)

Anyways, I have noticed a difference. Mostly in my attitude. Especially towards my children and my husband. I've started seeing my children in a different light lately, and if it's feels like I love them even more. Not that we don't have bad days still, but overall it's been a lot better.

I don't know why I do this to myself. I stumble so far, and then dread coming back. But as soon as I start reading the word and praying, I feel 100 times better. And it's never hard. I always feel like getting back to the place I need to be will be like pulling teeth or something, but it's so easy. He makes it so incredibly easy. Why oh why does it take me so long?

1 comment:

  1. I really needed to hear this! Thanks for posting! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
