Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's getting closer!

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has flown by. In some ways, I just want it to all slow down so I can be a little more prepared, but I'm definitely getting to the point of not wanting to be pregnant anymore! To be able to eat what I want again, to have energy again, to move without hurting! But the newborn stage is so hard to me. I've heard someone call the first three months "baby bootcamp." And I definitely understand that. The sleep deprivation and all the crazy emotions are extremely hard to deal with at times, but I know we'll get through it!

I'm about 36 1/2 weeks now, so we are almost there! I had two doctor's appointments this week, and everything looks pretty good. I'm still measuring a little small, but he said the baby's heartbeat is looking really good. I had one strong contraction today, like peaking around 100, and I asked him about it and he said that they would not try to stop labor from now on. So it really could be any day, even though I feel like I still have a couple of weeks at least. I would definitely like the baby to get a little bigger. I have another ultrasound next Thursday to check growth, so hopefully everything will be fine.

They are actually beginning to discuss induction if the baby is still small next week. He said that it might be good to induce at 39, so that he/she will have a better opportunity to grow outside of the uterus. It's not definite yet, but just talking to me about it makes me nervous. I REALLY want to go as natural as possible, and inducing at 39 just seems silly. I want to do the right/healthy thing for the baby, but I honestly don't understand why they would need to induce if the baby is growing. What if it's just a small baby? I'm not very assertive at all, but I really want to tell him no. I mean, is there a graceful way to tell a doctor that I think he's wrong, and refuse to be treated??

I'm praying that it won't even come to that. Either the baby will have made leaps and bounds in growth. Or I'll have the baby on my own before 39. It's so strange. I've been worried this whole time about going full-term with this baby, and now they are already discussing taking it early! I can't seem to please anyone with my pregnancies! :)

Good news, though, is that I had my last progesterone shot on Monday! This is the medicine that was supposed to help me go full-term without being on bedrest, and I think it did a pretty good job! So, I'm not sure how the medicine wears off or anything, but we'll see how next week goes without it!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A week full of doctors!

This week has been somewhat busy, but it's only been busy because of all the doctor's appointments!

Monday, I had a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning. I went in and they put the monitor on me. I could already feel that I was having some contractions that morning, but they were not regular at all, and I felt like they were just Braxton hicks. The monitor was showing some faint contractions, but they were so randomly spaced. So, when the doctor came in I asked him if the machine would pick up braxton hicks, and he said it would but I was probably not able to feel them. I assured him that I was feeling every single one. They weren't painful, but I could definitely feel things getting tight and then relaxing. He started asking me all these questions about how they felt, and then I think he was just being overly cautious. He wanted to do a fetal fibronectin test, which can tell you if you would go into labor within the next 3 days. And while waiting for the results, which he said would be about an hour, then he wanted me to go to the hospital to continue to be monitored. So, I went to the hospital and got strapped in again. I was still having contractions, and they were pretty close together, but not very strong at all. I thought I would only be there an hour, but it ended up being like 4 hours. It gets so extremely uncomfortable laying on your back and being strapped to a monitor. I really thought I was going to go crazy! FINALLY, they came and told me that the test came back negative, which was a big relief. But they wanted to give me some brethine to stop the contractions before they let me go. So eventually, the contractions stopped all together and they let me go home! I was starving when I left!

I took it easy the rest of the day, and relaxed on Tuesday as well. Then I had another appointment with the specialist on Wednesday. They did an ultrasound, and said that the baby was still a little small, weighing about 5 pounds. But it had grown 13 days worth in 14 days. I thought that sounded pretty good, but I have to go again in 2 weeks to check growth. The doctor really thinks that it's just a small baby, which is fine as long as he/she is healthy! The ultrasound also showed that the baby was stretched out sideways. So still not completely in the right position, but closer! :)

Then today, I had another appointment with my regular doctor. He monitored me again, and he said the baby looked really good and no contractions at all! So that was really good! He also felt my stomach, and he thinks that the baby is head down! So that's really good!! I think because it is so small that it's still just swimming around in there! :)

If we could go a few more weeks, I would be happy. Just to get him/her a little bigger, and for me to finish some things around here. I've been nesting like crazy, but I feel pretty good at what's been accomplished. I have a total of 7 frozen casseroles in the freezer, and I have one more I'm planning on making. And then just some basic clean-up and packing is all I feel i have left. It would be so great to know when labor will begin. That way I could clean the house the day before! I just keep thinking about how I just want to come home from the hospital to a really clean house. Weird, the things that I think about!

Oh, very exciting news! (At least to me!) Only one more progesterone shot! Good thing, because the muscles in my butt are starting to retaliate!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So different...

The other night I was sitting in the living room watching Elijah and Hannah play, and I was amazed at just how different they are. They've grown up in very similar environments, but you can already see there personalities coming out. I think it's fascinating!

Elijah is definitely more sensitive. He's sensitive in situations and towards me. When he does something he's not supposed to be, and I get on to him, he's just extremely upset about it. I really don't have to spank him either, he just realizes that I'm upset and it upsets him. He cries and then immediately wants to be in my lap to make sure I'm not mad at him. I love this about him! He just wants to please me. Because once he gets in trouble for something, I rarely have to tell him no again. He's so tenderhearted, and very much a rule follower.

But because he's so sensitive, little things just bother him. And he's getting into a stage of just whining about it. He likes things to be a certain way, and when his world changes, it upsets him greatly! Hannah likes to just mess with him too. She knows that he gets upset, so she's usually just barely doing something that annoys him. And then the fights erupt! We are trying really hard to "toughen him up" a little bit!

Hannah on the other hand is completely different. She wants to be the center of everything. And she wants to do everything her brother is doing. She's our comedian. She's always trying to find ways to make me laugh, and she usually succeeds. I love watching her! She's got so much spirit and personality! But she is definitely a handful. Unlike Elijah, she has to be disciplined ALOT! She's always getting into things, usually for the dozenth time! We've caught her eating deodorant several times, and desitin, and many other things throughout the house. But she's so carefree. She gets upset when she's disciplined, but she's usually over it in less than a minute, and trying to get you to smile again. And she's tough, she'll fall head first into the dirt and get up and say "uh oh" and wipe herself off and keep playing!

Lately, we've been trying to do things seperately for both of them and let them do something fun alone. Elijah loves these times, he LAVISHES in them! But Hannah, the whole time she's away, is asking "Where's Elijah?" I mean like over and over and over. It's funny at first, until you explain it to her for the 100th time!

I just love how they are so different, and I can't wait to see how their personalities expand as they grow. And what will the new baby be like? Should be very interesting!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A little of this and that!

Today we finally went back to church. It's probably been 3-4 weeks since we've been. Things just kept coming up, like being out of town or having sick children, but we made it back today and it was really good. The church is still without a permanent pastor, but I've really been enjoying Josh's dad filling in. He's such a good leader and teacher, and I've learned a lot! I think the search for a new pastor is coming to a close soon. At least Josh's dad hinted at that, so I'm a little sad. Change is hard. And I'm a little nervous about who it will be and if I'll like him. I've been praying a lot lately that the elders will make the right decision.

We had a really good time visiting with family this weekend! Denise and Jacob, and their son Malachi, came down from Nashville. We hung out Friday night, and then they had Malachi's first birthday party Saturday afternoon. And then we had dinner and hung out that night too. So it was a full weekend. I miss them alot, and they really make us consider moving to Nashville to be closer! Maybe one day!

Josh is still on the job hunt. He's applied almost everywhere and had several interviews, but nothing has panned out. It's crazy because some of the interviews he's had, he came out really believing he would get the job and then some crazy circumstance keeps him from getting it. It's really been unbelievable. Just Friday, he was guaranteed a job but he had to have a clearance letter from the doctor for his back from a previous car accident. Well we didn't have one in our records and of course the doctor's office was closed and the paperwork had to be in that day at 5!! So frustrating. But I know God has big plans for him, and hopefully something will happen soon!

Josh also sold his truck today too! He figured he could go to something smaller and make a little extra money that way. So that's good! But now we are down to one car again until he finds something else.

In pregnancy news, my body is really starting to gear up for labor. I've been having Braxton hicks like crazy!! It got so bad one day that I ended up calling the doctor about it. They were happening about every 15 minutes, and the nurse told me to drink a lot of water and lie down the rest of the day. I think I had just overdid it and gotten dehydrated, because they eventually calmed down. I had a doctor's appointment Thursday, and still no contractions to be concerned about! I'll be 35 weeks on Tuesday, so in that sense things are going really good this time!

The doctor's are still concerned about the baby being a little small though. And the baby is still breach, so that's also a concern. So if you think about us, please pray that the baby's growth is up, and that he/she turns and gets into the right position! My regular doctor has now moved me up to two appointments a week!! And I also have an appointment with the specialist this week. So 3 doctor's visits this week! I'm pooped thinking about it! And then they tell you to not overdo it! :) Some good news, though, I only have 1 or 2 more progesterone shots in the butt to do! I'm excited about that!

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll update when I get reports from the doctor's!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rough week..

This week has joyride that's for sure. Why do weeks like this happen? I mean I can seriously handle a bad day, but when it just keeps escalating, it's really hard for me to lay it all down and trust that things will work out. Just being honest.

I hate that life revolves around money. I mean, I wouldn't consider myself a big spender by no means, but life just requires money. House payments, electricity, groceries all require it. Josh's business is still really slow right now. And I always thought that with Josh being self-employed, I was really trusting God with our finances. But we are definitely learning to trust on a new level completely. And it's harder than I ever imagined.

The weirdest thing is that we've gone through slow times with the business before, but this is almost like all the doors are shutting. So not only are we trying to trust God with our finances, but we are also in the position of trusting Him to show us what the next step is. And it feels like we're just waiting, waiting, waiting. As I've said before, I'm just not good at that. But I'm really trying to learn how to be!

Anyways, I guess we could really use some prayers right now. Just for doors to open up. And for Josh to have wisdom of what career he needs to be in, etc. And for peace during this whole period. That would be really nice!

In other news, I had two doctor's appointments this week. Yesterday I went to the specialist in Albany and had another ultrasound. Everything looked good, but he said the baby was on the small side. So he wants to recheck in two weeks to make sure the growth is ok. I'm not really too worried about that though. I mean, they put me on a diet and I eat what I can, and ALL the time..but I've still lost almost 10 pounds. So, I think it's just part of that which I can help with.

I went to my regular doctor this morning, and everything looks good! Still no contractions, so I'm really happy about that! That means no contraction meds, and no bed rest so far! Which really helps when you have two small babies at home! :) I guess those progesterone shots are doing what they need to be doing!

Anyways, that's all for now! I'll update again! And thank you in advance for the prayers!