Monday, August 23, 2010

This weekend and an update!

This last weekend was pretty fun. On Friday night, we were actually all home, so we had a family meal together. Which, sadly, hasn't happened in a while. So that was good! Then Saturday me and the babies hung out at the house until that afternoon. Then we went and visited some friends for a little while. It was a short visit, but it was good to see them. Then our church had a picnic at the Y. It was actually really nice! They had a big swimming area opened to us, so I took the babies in the kiddy part. They loved running through the water! So we played in there for a while. Then, it was threatening to storm, so they closed the pool for a little while. We had enough fun, though, so we got out anyways. Then because of the storm the weather was so nice! It was nice and cool, with a breeze!! That really makes being outside enjoyable! And it didn't rain the entire time! So we ate, visited, and played on the playground. We were all VERY pooped when we got home, but it was fun!

Then Sunday, we went to church and all came home and took naps! Those naps are so nice! When we got up, we started working on getting Elijah and Hannah's new room together. Josh has been building Elijah a new bed, so it was finally ready to set up. So we moved Hannah to his crib, and Elijah to a twin. I've been wanting to get this done for a while, because I wanted them both to get adjusted to sleeping in new beds before the baby came. They did awesome! Both of them were super excited about getting "new" beds and they went right to bed! I could get used to that! I'll take some pictures later and show you their beds!

I had another doctor's appointment last week, and guess what!!! My beloved Dr. Adcock is back!!! I was so very excited to see him!! I think he might be on light duty, but still..just having him back in the office brings a sense of peace! The other temporary doctor that I was seeing is gone! So no more worries about the creepy little man delivering my baby! They do have another doctor in the office, which I was scheduled to see. He turned out to be amazing though! He made me feel so at ease! When I got to the office, I was feeling some light contractions. So when I told them, they put me on the monitor. Thankfully, there was nothing going on. Probably just Braxton Hicks. But I kinda felt bad making them wait, but he put me right at ease. He said that that's what he was there for, and if I had ANY concerns that they were there for me 24 hours a day! That was really nice to hear. So I'm still not sure who is actually going to be the delivering doctor, but I would seriously be ok with both of them!

This is my 32 week mark. Which is when I started going into early labor with Hannah. So it makes me nervous, I think. Any little pressure or back pain or anything, and I start to wonder. I've just been proclaiming peace over the whole situation for myself, and if something is wrong that I'll know for sure. They are going to start seeing me every week from now on, and putting the monitor on to check for contractions, so that eases my worry a little too.

My diabetes diet is going really well though. I don't know if it's because I've done it before, but it's really not as hard as I remember. I think with Elijah it was hard, because I wasn't used to drinking water. But now that's all I drink, so it was one more thing I didn't have to try and cut out. The only hard part is when people are eating desserts in front of you. And breakfast is hard. You can't have any sugary or carby foods, which really limits the breakfast selection. I'm already really tired of eggs! Cooked in all ways! :)

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll upload some pics of the new room when I get a chance!

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well! I'm praying that you will go full term! Can't wait to see pictures!
