Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just an update!

Well, things are moving so quickly these last couple of months of pregnancy! I feel like I still have so much to do to get ready, but the days are just speeding by! Josh is building a big boy bed for Elijah, so that's a major priority! I want to get him settled and sleeping well before the baby comes. So we are working on that!

I had my 3 hr sugar test yesterday. I failed the first one, so you have to go back and do a longer test. I had to be at the hospital at 7:30, and I didn't leave until close to 12! That was a long morning. Still waiting to hear back from the doctor for the results!

I think Elijah is pretty much fully potty trained now!!! Praise the Lord! We've gone a whole week now with absolutely no accidents! We have still been putting a diaper on him for bedtime and naptimes, but he's also been waking up dry! This is a major accomplishment for me as a mother! I really think I have been worrying and dreading over this time since he was first born! :) And it really is incredible how far diapers go now only having one in them!

I think I decided to write today to avoid being nervous. Josh had to go to court today, and I'm anxiously awaiting his call to see how it went. We have a rental house in Valdosta, and our previous renters left the house very much damaged, and also left without paying us ALOT of back rent. So Josh decided to take out a judgement against them. Not really for the money's sake, but to show them that you have responsibilites! Anyways, the guy is fighting him on it! Hopefully, the guy doesn't even show up! Or the judge is understanding. I'll let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. We are just now getting serious about potty training Tristan. We were going to just let him do it whenever, but I am starting to take him to part time daycare to get him better socialized, and if he's not potty trained when he hits 3 years old in October then he can't go to daycare! He is being SO stubborn about it too and I just don't know what to do!
    That sucks about your rental house. I hope everything works out and can't wait to hear more about it!
