Friday, August 13, 2010

Good and Bad...

Well, I'll start with the good! As I said in my last post, Josh had to go to court against some previous renters. They were originally trying to fight the case. Well, when he got there the clerk said that they were required to sit and talk together and try to come to an agreement before going before the judge. So they went into a room, and the guy just admitted he owes us money! So they came to an agreement to pay us monthly until the debt is cleared! So that turned out really awesome! I guess the guy realized that he didn't really have a case, and would rather pay us monthly then to have it garnished from his wages. So anyways, they signed a legal document saying how much he owes and how much he's supposed to pay every month, so it was worth it to have something in writing with a judge's signature on it!

The bad news...I failed my gestational diabetes test. Which does suck, but I've come to grips with it! It's hard doing a strict diet when your body craves all kinds of foods, but I think the hardest part to me is having to check your blood sugar like 5 times a day! Your fingers get so sore! But being made to do a diet was really good with my last two babies because I hardly gained any weight at all during my last trimester. With this baby, I'm already over the 30 lb mark! Yikes! So I think it will be good! And I would much rather adhere to a diet than to have a 10 lb+ baby! So it'll be ok, and I'm really in the last stretch of pregnancy so I know I'll survive!


  1. Glad for the renter stuff, and sorry for the GDB fail. I know that can't be much fun even if you KNOW its better for you in the long run. Hopefully these last weeks will fly by and you can get back to enjoying food again. :)

  2. You sure don't look like you've gained that much!! At the party I was thinking about small you looked! Hope these weeks fly by for you!
