Monday, August 23, 2010

New beds!

Here are the pictures I promised. It's really just of the new beds and new bedding. I still have a little work to do on the room. Like new wall hangings that match, and I want to make some new curtains. But this is the new twin bed that Josh made for Elijah. It's hard to see, but it also has three built-in drawers at the bottom. It turned out really good! I'm very happy with it!

This weekend and an update!

This last weekend was pretty fun. On Friday night, we were actually all home, so we had a family meal together. Which, sadly, hasn't happened in a while. So that was good! Then Saturday me and the babies hung out at the house until that afternoon. Then we went and visited some friends for a little while. It was a short visit, but it was good to see them. Then our church had a picnic at the Y. It was actually really nice! They had a big swimming area opened to us, so I took the babies in the kiddy part. They loved running through the water! So we played in there for a while. Then, it was threatening to storm, so they closed the pool for a little while. We had enough fun, though, so we got out anyways. Then because of the storm the weather was so nice! It was nice and cool, with a breeze!! That really makes being outside enjoyable! And it didn't rain the entire time! So we ate, visited, and played on the playground. We were all VERY pooped when we got home, but it was fun!

Then Sunday, we went to church and all came home and took naps! Those naps are so nice! When we got up, we started working on getting Elijah and Hannah's new room together. Josh has been building Elijah a new bed, so it was finally ready to set up. So we moved Hannah to his crib, and Elijah to a twin. I've been wanting to get this done for a while, because I wanted them both to get adjusted to sleeping in new beds before the baby came. They did awesome! Both of them were super excited about getting "new" beds and they went right to bed! I could get used to that! I'll take some pictures later and show you their beds!

I had another doctor's appointment last week, and guess what!!! My beloved Dr. Adcock is back!!! I was so very excited to see him!! I think he might be on light duty, but still..just having him back in the office brings a sense of peace! The other temporary doctor that I was seeing is gone! So no more worries about the creepy little man delivering my baby! They do have another doctor in the office, which I was scheduled to see. He turned out to be amazing though! He made me feel so at ease! When I got to the office, I was feeling some light contractions. So when I told them, they put me on the monitor. Thankfully, there was nothing going on. Probably just Braxton Hicks. But I kinda felt bad making them wait, but he put me right at ease. He said that that's what he was there for, and if I had ANY concerns that they were there for me 24 hours a day! That was really nice to hear. So I'm still not sure who is actually going to be the delivering doctor, but I would seriously be ok with both of them!

This is my 32 week mark. Which is when I started going into early labor with Hannah. So it makes me nervous, I think. Any little pressure or back pain or anything, and I start to wonder. I've just been proclaiming peace over the whole situation for myself, and if something is wrong that I'll know for sure. They are going to start seeing me every week from now on, and putting the monitor on to check for contractions, so that eases my worry a little too.

My diabetes diet is going really well though. I don't know if it's because I've done it before, but it's really not as hard as I remember. I think with Elijah it was hard, because I wasn't used to drinking water. But now that's all I drink, so it was one more thing I didn't have to try and cut out. The only hard part is when people are eating desserts in front of you. And breakfast is hard. You can't have any sugary or carby foods, which really limits the breakfast selection. I'm already really tired of eggs! Cooked in all ways! :)

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll upload some pics of the new room when I get a chance!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Good and Bad...

Well, I'll start with the good! As I said in my last post, Josh had to go to court against some previous renters. They were originally trying to fight the case. Well, when he got there the clerk said that they were required to sit and talk together and try to come to an agreement before going before the judge. So they went into a room, and the guy just admitted he owes us money! So they came to an agreement to pay us monthly until the debt is cleared! So that turned out really awesome! I guess the guy realized that he didn't really have a case, and would rather pay us monthly then to have it garnished from his wages. So anyways, they signed a legal document saying how much he owes and how much he's supposed to pay every month, so it was worth it to have something in writing with a judge's signature on it!

The bad news...I failed my gestational diabetes test. Which does suck, but I've come to grips with it! It's hard doing a strict diet when your body craves all kinds of foods, but I think the hardest part to me is having to check your blood sugar like 5 times a day! Your fingers get so sore! But being made to do a diet was really good with my last two babies because I hardly gained any weight at all during my last trimester. With this baby, I'm already over the 30 lb mark! Yikes! So I think it will be good! And I would much rather adhere to a diet than to have a 10 lb+ baby! So it'll be ok, and I'm really in the last stretch of pregnancy so I know I'll survive!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just an update!

Well, things are moving so quickly these last couple of months of pregnancy! I feel like I still have so much to do to get ready, but the days are just speeding by! Josh is building a big boy bed for Elijah, so that's a major priority! I want to get him settled and sleeping well before the baby comes. So we are working on that!

I had my 3 hr sugar test yesterday. I failed the first one, so you have to go back and do a longer test. I had to be at the hospital at 7:30, and I didn't leave until close to 12! That was a long morning. Still waiting to hear back from the doctor for the results!

I think Elijah is pretty much fully potty trained now!!! Praise the Lord! We've gone a whole week now with absolutely no accidents! We have still been putting a diaper on him for bedtime and naptimes, but he's also been waking up dry! This is a major accomplishment for me as a mother! I really think I have been worrying and dreading over this time since he was first born! :) And it really is incredible how far diapers go now only having one in them!

I think I decided to write today to avoid being nervous. Josh had to go to court today, and I'm anxiously awaiting his call to see how it went. We have a rental house in Valdosta, and our previous renters left the house very much damaged, and also left without paying us ALOT of back rent. So Josh decided to take out a judgement against them. Not really for the money's sake, but to show them that you have responsibilites! Anyways, the guy is fighting him on it! Hopefully, the guy doesn't even show up! Or the judge is understanding. I'll let you know how it goes!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

So exciting!!!

This is probably not as exciting to anyone but me and Josh, but Elijah FINALLY pooped in the potty tonight!!! I can't even begin to express how proud and just utterly happy I was! This is seriously probably only really great for me, because I was the one having to clean up accidents! And I seriously want to cry every time it happens; it's that disgusting!

I used to watch "Jon and Kate plus 8" and I remember a specific episode where some of the kids had pooped in the potty, and she took a picture of the poop with the kid sitting beside it. haha..At the time, I thought, that's kinda gross. But you know, I seriously wanted to take a picture! I just wanted the whole world to know!