Thursday, July 1, 2010

Too long!

Gosh, I just realized that I haven't written on here in almost a month! Seems crazy, because that means a WHOLE month has slipped away already. Lately I've felt time just flying by, and there's no slowing it down!

I'll try to update as much as I can. Not all the much really goes on around here during the day. My days are pretty much exactly the same. We eat breakfast, the babies play and I usually take a shower, we eat lunch, Naptime (which I usually partake in these days), more playing, and then time for supper and bedtime. We break up the monotomy with visits to family/friends, library visits, doctor visits, and grocery store visits! haha :) What an exciting life you lead when you have toddlers! :)

Usually I don't mind in the least, but lately I've been feeling weird. A little on the worthless side. Like, is this all my life is? Changing diapers and making meals? Because it really feels like these two things take up about 75% of my time! Just being honest! And sometimes I struggle with the fact that I'm staying home, and not helping bring in any money. I think this is really all stemming from the fact that Josh's work has been really slow lately, and we've been tight on money because of it. I know God is taking care of us, but it's really, really hard sometimes to trust when you have a house payment staring you in the face! And I feel like I can't even contribute anything!

I also know that my time with my two babies is precious, and if I had to go back to work, I would seriously hate being away from them. They do such amazing things every day, and I couldn't imagine not being able to be a part of that! And I know that this feeling of worthlessness is really just a lie straight from the devil! I think this is why I haven't blogged in a while. Just trying to deal with a lot of different emotions. And being pregnant definitely doesn't help the plethora of emotions!

In other news, we are slowing going about potty training with Elijah. Every time I change his diaper, I take him to the potty. And just various times during the day. And he always pees, even if it is just a little bit! But this is progress to me!! We haven't been pushing it real hard because we've been going out of town a lot for the summer. But as soon as it calms down around here, I'm gonna move to my new next step. Underwear! Does anyone have any suggestions on any? People have told me about some types that make them feel wet, but don't make as much mess. I've done a little research online, but I haven't decided on anything.

I also went to the specialist doctor today and had an ultrasound. He said that the amniotic fluid around the baby is a little low. Still in the normal range, but just on the low side. So I'm scheduled for several more ultrasounds in the next month to monitor that. I know that I shouldn't be worried, he told me not to be worried, but does anyone else feel like when it rains, it pours?? Because sometimes I can't help feeling overwhelmed with everything. So please pray that my levels would increase and there are no underlying problems going on. That would definitely be appreciated. :)

Well, we are getting ready to go down to the river for several days for the fourth. We leave tomorrow, so I should probably get on the washing of clothes and packing! I'm excited about going this year. Time with family is always good! And it doesn't hurt having extra help with the babies, and getting fed all your meals! I love that part! :)

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean Steph. I go through seasons where I feel like what I do is unfocused, pointless, visionless, and lots of other bad feelings. I have prayed that God would give me a purpose and focus for where I'm at. We have a hard job that goes with us everywhere we go.

    I'm praying for you, your family, your pregnancy, and your baby.

    Love you!
