Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My potty plan.

Haha..the title makes me laugh. :) And just a warning...THIS IS ALL ABOUT PEEING AND POTTY TRAINING!!!

Other people are probably not as obsessive about thinking things through and making a plan about potty training, but with how it's going with Elijah I've just been thinking about it ALOT! I would really like for him to be potty trained before the baby comes, and I'm busy adjusting to an infant. But I've also heard that you shouldn't even try if there's a big change coming because they might revert and you have to go through potty training again. Which doesn't sound like fun at all. Any thoughts on this?

I was also thinking about the best way for him to learn, and repetition seems to work most of the time. We will go over colors or numbers 100 times, and he doesn't seem to even be listening. And then one day, I'll hear him counting to himself or pointing out all the different colors. So I'm going to try and use that in potty training.

Several months ago I bought a little potty and was just going to let him sit on it every now and then just to get used to it. He did good for the first few days, but then all of a sudden it was like he was afraid of it. When I would ask him to go sit on the potty, he would scream and yell that he did not want to, and he likes his diapers. So I didn't want to traumatize him with it, so I backed off and didn't do it for a few days. I tried again, and he did the same thing! And I mean screaming and crying about not sitting on it! So I was dumbfounded. What do I do now?

Well I really just gave up on it for a few months all together. Well, just recently we've been getting him to sit on the potty a little bit at a time, without a big fuss. So hopefully this is progress! So here's my plan. And I am always open to any ideas/suggestions!

First, I'm going to keep letting him sit on the potty every time I change his diaper. So every time he is wet, I think I'll just take him to the potty and let him sit there and explain that next time he pees that he should go in the potty. He's real analytical, so maybe that will start him thinking more about it. Especially if I do it every time. Repetition.

Then after doing that for a while, I thought the best next step would be to start taking him to the potty every 15-20 minutes to see if I can actually catch him when he has to pee. He's NEVER successfully peed in the potty, so I think if he does it at least once or twice, something will click! Hopefully!

Then I think I'll move him to underwear, so he can realize when he's peeing and he will feel the need to pee in the potty instead of in his underwear.

Anyways, this is all just a plan I had in my head. I thought if I could write it out, it would also help me stick to the plan! So we'll see how it goes!!


  1. Everyone I've talked to says do not use pullups unless at nap time or bed time. That it's messier but a LOT more effective to let them feel the wetness. Also, that especially with boys it will not happen unless they want it to so just be patient. Hope it goes well. I am planning to try it after our trip to Texas, but if it doesn't go well I'm dropping it and trying again later. My pediatrician said almost all children regress if they aren't fully potty trained.

  2. Tristan was the same way when I started him on his potty. He always has to go in the bathroom with me when I have to go, and at first loved sitting on his potty even though he wasn't really using it. Then he always tried sitting on the big potty and actually peed in it twice one day! I thought that it was a done deal after that, but for some reason he is afraid to sit on the potty now and says he wants his diapers. So I've backed off and haven't tried again yet. I did try just letting him run around with nothing on since he knows not to pee on the floor, but he just held it and suffered until I finally put a diaper on him. I haven't braved underwear yet because I know that will be messy at first, but it may work. I'm just waiting right now to try again.
