Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Something new...

For a long time now, I've really felt like something new is about to happen in our lives. Of course, most of you would say.."Um, yeah, a new baby!" But it's really been different from that. Like God has been slowly preparing my heart for a big change. The problem is that I have NO idea what this could entail. And this is a problem because I'm a huge planner. I like to know what's going to happen, and when things change it takes me a while to adjust. Josh is totally the opposite. He would fly to Austrailia tomorrow if something came up and he needed to do that. So, he's been rubbing off on me for the last 8 years or so. And it's not AS hard for me to be spontaneous as it used to be.

But, like I said, it's almost like God is slowly preparing me for this change. And right now, I'm sooo ready! I'm to the point now where I feel like "ok, bring it on!" And this is seriously a very new place for me!

The only hard part now is...the waiting! I'm trying to be as patient as possible, but that's also one of my faults. So in all of this, God is teaching me to be spontaneous, but to be patient at the same time. And wow, I am struggling.

Josh and I went up to be prayed for last week, and the people who prayed really hit some things dead on. They said while we were in this place of waiting, we really needed to get into the Word, which we had both been feeling. So we started a new "read through the Bible" plan together, and it's been really good for me! We have been reading seperately and then coming together at night to talk about it. I not only feel closer to God, but to Josh as well. So I'm really enjoying it!

Anyways, I really just needed to get that off my chest. :) And hopefully, this big change will come soon! Who knows, maybe it's just a change that needs to be made in us. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're ready for what God has for you!! Love you girl!!!
