Thursday, July 22, 2010

It seems like I can't get this blogging thing down. I think about blogging, but when I actually sit down to do anything I almost always end up going to check on my kids because one of them is screaming! It's constant. They fight a lot! Hannah is definitely an instigator and she knows how to pester Elijah, and Elijah is just a big tattle tale. Some days it's really quite exhausting! But then they have moments like this:

And it really makes my heart melt! They really do love one another, and they also play A LOT! They entertain one another, and many times throughout the day I hear them laughing at each other! Like really rolling on the floor laughing- it's so cute! Must be their inside jokes or something. So I guess I'll just have to take the bad with the good!

In other news, we had a pretty good week down at the river for the fourth. We were only going to stay a few days, but because of some different circumstances, the babies and I ended up staying all week. Josh came home to get some work done, and then rejoined us again at the end of the week. Overall, it was a pretty good week. We had some ups and downs with a few people at the beginning of the week, but after they left it was really great. Very relaxing, and just good to be away from home. Josh's older brother Chris and his family came down from Nashville, TN the next weekend and it was good to see them. Elijah and Hannah were kinda old enough this year to be able to play with their youngest, Winston, so that was fun to watch! Here's a picture of them:

I also had another ultrasound yesterday, and they said everything looked really good. My amniotic fluid had increased to a very normal amount, so I was very happy to hear that! You don't realize how much you are stressing about something on the inside, until something happens to release it. And as soon as she said the numbers, something fell off. I'm definitely still struggling with not worrying. I know Jesus died for all diseases/sickness to be under His authority and ours too, but sometimes it's hard to apply. I'm working on it, though! How differently we could all live if we really took that to heart! I really want to live in that kind of victory!

Josh's work has been really slow lately, too, but God is definitely taking care of us. And we're learning how to be good stewards with our money for sure! This week was exceptionally slow, so he's taking time to work on the rental house we own in Valdosta. It needed a lot of work after some renters moved out, so it'll be good when that's all finished. That way we can either try to sell it or just rent it again, and that will be some sort of income coming in!

Here at the house, I am still working with Elijah and potty training. I always knew it would be hard, but the emotions that come with it are so extreme. I mean dancing for joy when he goes in the potty, and then wanting to just bawl and scream when it doesn't seem like he's getting it! But we are making progress! The last few days he has been wearing underwear, and has had NO pee-pee accidents. We comes and tells me when he has to pee pee too! So I'm really proud of him. Now I just have to figure out how to get him to do Number 2 in the potty. Should be interesting! Sorry for all the potty talk, but that's one of the big issues in my life right now! :)

Anyways, that's about it for now! And I'm in need of a shower, so I'll blog again later!

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