Friday, May 7, 2010

What a week!!

This week has been...exhausting!!

It all started last Sunday night when Elijah started getting sick. He was running a fever that afternoon, and then that night he woke up every 2 hours screaming. I went to check on him but had no idea what was going on, so I would just hold him for a while. Then in the early morning, he started this really weird cough. I had never heard anything like it. It was like the sound of a seal barking! And every time he coughed, he would scream out in pain. So I called the doctor and got an appointment. We went in and she immediately said he has croup, which is an imflammation of the upper respiratory system. It affects the voice box, larynx, and the windpipe. She said it gets worse at night, and to be especially careful with him because it can cause their airways to close up and they can't breathe. And because of his previous breathing problems he was at a higher risk! Way to put fear into someone!!

Anyways, we got some medicine and went back home and that day was rough. He wouldn't eat or drink, and he acted like he was in pain all day. I was constantly just feeding him ice chips to keep him hydrated, and he seemed like it made him feel better too. When we put him to bed, Josh and I prayed over his body for healing and to keep his airways clear. He still woke up through the night, but the cough was alot better. I think I woke up more than him just checking on him. The next day was pretty rough, but he started eating and drinking so I knew he was feeling better.

The doctors said it was contagious, so I was hoping Hannah wouldn't get it too. She started running a fever a couple of days ago but it hasn't developed into the cough. Hopefully it won't. But she obviously doesn't feel good. I found her asleep on the couch this morning, which has never happened.

This sickness has probably been the worst to deal with! I would never wish this on anyone! And with two puny babies, this house has not been very happy! We've basically been hulled up inside so that we don't spread it to anyone. We did venture out to Josh's softball game last night, because I thought it might be a good diversion. But I kept them away from kids just in case.

Now, I have a pretty nasty cold. Being sick with sick kids is not fun at all! Hopefully, Josh won't have to work tomorrow and maybe I can go somewhere for a few hours. Anywhere. I just need some sanity again!

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