Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weird doctor's visit.

So, last thursday I had another doctor's visit with my regular obstetrician. Except, it's not my regular one. This one's weird!

Here's the story. I go to the Adcock Center, which I have for both my babies. And I used to see Dr. Adcock. This man is honestly one of the most caring, compassionate people I've ever met. He's easy to talk to, and really wants to know how you are doing. And even better, he's a Christian. I love this about him! After he delivered both of my babies, he gave them a small Bible. In the Bible, he would write a special scripture and message. Then he prayed with us! You really don't find many doctors like this!

Well, last year Dr. Adcock was in a really bad accident. He was running and got hit by a car. He suffered from a pretty bad brain injury and has been out of the office ever since. He's doing good, though, but no one really knows when he'll be back. They keep saying he'll be back sometime this year.

In the meantime, they have another doctor filling in for him. And Thursday I met him for the first time. I had been seeing the midwife, but because of all the issues they went ahead and put me with him. He strange. He's really old, and really small. He came into the room, and started asking me all these questions. He didn't even take the time to read my chart to know what was going on, so I had to explain everything to him. When he did the baby's heart beat, he did it so fast that I couldn't even take a minute to listen. And he didn't say anything about how fast it was or if it sounded good, just took the thingy off and wiped off the gel with his hand! This part of the visit literally took less than 5 minutes.

Then, he asked me if I worked. I told him I stay at home with my kids, and he asked if I used to work. So I told him I used to work in a vet's office in Valdosta. He proceeded to ask me a MILLION questions about who I worked for, if I knew this person or that, and what kind of dogs they had. I think he talked to me for AT LEAST 20 minutes about his german shepherds!! It was soooooooooooo strange! I mean, I like animals as much as the next person. But I don't want to discuss this at my prenatal visit. I want to know about my baby!!!

Anyways, I was completely dumbfounded when I left. And I've been praying daily for a quick return of my precious Dr. Adcock. I need him. I do not want this weirdo delivering my baby!


  1. Aww..thats sad. I love Dr. A....we always joke that if I ever went back there I'd request him. I heard Ginger wasn't practicing there anymore, but I could have heard wrong...Hoping he gets back soon! Or that the other guy gets his act together. :)

  2. Wow that new doctor is definitely creepy! I would have been very upset with that visit. I would even say something to someone about not seeing him again if you can. Dr. Adcock sounds really awesome and I'm glad that he really cares. I loved the doctor that I saw at my first two appts with this pregnancy but she left and ever since I've just been passed around to different people and haven't liked any of them. Good doctors are rare :(

  3. Kayla, yeah Ginger left a little while before Dr. A got hurt. But they have a new lady, Becky, and she's amazing. I would gladly go back to her until he comes back!

    Meghan, I have seriously considered saying something. I might nose around with the nurses to see what I can find out. He's the only doctor there though, but maybe they would let me just see the midwife.

  4. Stephanie,

    That stinks! I'm certainly not the first person to go against what a Dr. says, but you've got to draw a line somewhere. I say you either ask (demand) to continue with the midwife or shop around for another Dr. Aren't you seeing a specialist in Albany? Shouldn't that be enough "Dr. knowledge"?
