Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Better night!

Well, last night before we put Elijah to bed we decided to pray over his sleeping. So, while he was laying in bed we just prayed that any fear or anxiety he was feeling would be gone, and he would only feel peace all night. The whole time we were praying, he was laughing and squirming around, and he talked in bed for another hour and a half. But he slept all night!! Thank you Jesus! He woke up around 7, but that's fine! I can handle that! I think my body was still used to getting up with him, though, because every few hours I found myself waking up and listening for any sounds. Hopefully, the sleeping all night will continue!

Anyways, not too much else going on with us. Let's see... For Valentine's day, Abbie came over Saturday night and watched the babies for us. We went out to eat, and then went and saw Valentine's day. It was so nice to get out alone and have a date night. I don't think we've had one of those in months! We could actually talk to one another without having to divide our attention on the babies. It's strange though. Because we get out alone together, and then most of what we talk about involves the babies. So they are obviously always on our minds. :)

Josh is taking some classes to be a volunteer firefighter. The classes are Tuesday nights and all day Saturday. He seems to be enjoying it. His hopes are to eventually be employed with a station. That way we can have a steady income, and he can do his handyman work on the side. We've really felt God leading us in this, so be praying that it works out. And for Josh's safety.

Other than that, the babies and I have just been hanging out at the house as usual. They are growing up so fast. So independent. Elijah's talking really good now, and Hannah is even saying a few words of her own. Next step for us: Potty training! We're gonna wait a few more months.

Anyways, that's about it. I'll write more when there's more to say!


  1. So glad he slept better for you. Olivia went through a stage where she would wake up screaming..and was totally still asleep when you'd come in, so it was really hard to calm her back down. Thankfully it didn't last very long, but I know that praying for her at night really helped. Hoping he keeps sleeping you for! It sure stinks without sleeps.

  2. I'm glad you had a better night!! I will definitely be praying for Josh!

  3. My Josh thought about diong the Firefighter route, he thought it would be nice..they have a few days off and a few on..I guess he felt it wasn't the right time. Let us know how he is liking it.

  4. Glad he slept better and I hope it continues. I love night time because right before Addison climbs in her bed we kneel at her bed and pray. So cute to watch her have her head down the whole time and eyes closed. She loves saying amen! That's really cool about Josh! I hope everything goes well and will say a prayer for the process!
