Monday, February 22, 2010


Sleep issues. The worst kind.

Well, I used to brag about how well my oldest child slept. He's always slept great at night, and took long naps. Well, lately, that has not been the case at all. I don't mind the naptimes that much. But at night, he should be sleeping!!!

Here's the deal: He fights naptime. Doesn't sleep good for naps. Then we put him down around 8:30-9 and he fights that. He finally goes to sleep, and then wakes up screaming "mama" at random times in the middle of the night. I go to check on him, and make him lay down. Then he wakes up super early in the morning.

This has been going on for like 2 weeks now. And I can't just ignore him altogether, because Hannah sleeps in the room with him.

I have absolutely NO idea what to do! When I go to check on him, he's usually just sitting up in bed, and I lay him down and he goes right back to sleep. So he doesn't stay up or anything, but then when I get back in bed, it takes me like 2 hours to get back to sleep. So I have felt exhausted and drained. And that's never fun.

Anyone have any suggestions???


  1. First I like your new background! :)

    Sleep issues are terrible! We are having a few now also. Addison gets milk early in the morning and she keeps waking up earlier and earlier for it. Most of the time I'm half asleep and think it's later so I give it to her. (Got back in bed this morning and it was 4:18am!) At least she goes back to sleep. But she is always an early riser so I can't give advice on that. If she sleeps until 7:30, I consider it a great morning!

    Has he seen anything or something happened that made him very scared? Maybe it's bad dreams. Maybe it is a molar growing in, growing pains, or possibly just a phase. Addison has had so MANY sleep phases I can't even count. No matter how hard the middle of the night, she has always went right to sleep without a fuss until about two weeks ago. She keeps calling us and calling us. We go in and lay her down and then she is quiet for a while and then starts calling again. We decided the other night to ignore it when it's just right after going to sleep because it's been going on for a while. Which is a lot easier to do with just one child.

    I hope it gets better soon!

  2. The same thing happened with Alyssa at that age. I didn't know what to do and that's when I honestly became "mean mommy" or "monster mommy"...I don't know what to tell you. She still wakes up every now and then. Just pray, pray, pray....I'm here if you need me!
