Friday, January 22, 2010

Busy Week!

This week has been so busy, that I've sat down to write this blog like 3 times to no avail! I've just had the title, but I had a little extra time I figured I'd write!

Even though the week felt extremely busy to me, perspectively it really wasn't. Just ALOT of driving! Way more than I'm used to! It all started when Josh sold his truck last week. He works out of his truck, so really his truck is the money maker. So we needed a truck as quickly as possible! Well, he found one last Thursday night in Atlanta for a really good price, so he made all the arrangements for us to go look at it. So we left the babies with his parents on Friday, and left about lunch time. We got to Atlanta, and looked at the truck. It wasn't in GREAT condition, but he was asking so little..we were really considering it. We even discussed trying to get him go lower for all the problems. Then the guy just took off like $500 more dollars without us asking, so it felt like a confirmation. So, we bought it right there! Then we stayed with our friends, Luke and Kayla, who graciously let us stay at their house last minute! And it was alot of fun! We just ate, talked, and hung out. And stayed up way too late! :) But it was good to see them; it had been a while! (Thank you again Kayla for letting us stay with ya'll!)

Well, the next day I had to drive home all alone. And the worst part was that it was raining, HARD!, the whole way! It took like 4 1/2 hours. I was exhausted that night!

Then Monday morning I woke up to find that one of my best friend's dad had died the night before. Another friend, Alaina, and I decided that we should go to the funeral. So we made plans to drive back up to Atlanta the following day. So we left on Tuesday to go to the visitation, stayed the night, and then went to the funeral on Wednesday. The family seemed to be doing relatively well considering. He had been sick for a little while, so I think that gave them time to mourn through the whole process. And despite the circumstances, I had a good time on the trip. I got to hang out with Alaina and it was alot of fun! I haven't spent that much time with her since college! (Alaina, thanks for the company!) I also got to see some friends/cousins, Erin and Wesley, and I talked to them for a while! (Erin, you are a very cute pregnant lady!)

So two trips to Atlanta in one week is like 100 times more driving than I am used to! And I'll be happy to not see it for a LONG time! I like my little country town!

Last night we hung out with some more friends, Gene and Steph, and just ate and talked! That seems to be what we are good at! :) And today we are just relaxing! I'll take it!


  1. I really enjoyed visiting with you too. I told Matthew that I wished we hung out more. Love you!

  2. thanks!!! it was great to see you too. unfortunate circumstances, though.
