Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The end of breastfeeding..well for now!

I have officially stopped breastfeeding Hannah. I wasn't really planning it, but it just kinda happened. She was wanting it less and less, and then over the busy holidays, our schedules were all out of sync. We were in different environments, and she was so preoccupied she basically stopped on her own.

It's weird now though. I mean, I don't feel like I have a baby anymore. She's so independent; she barely spends any time with me now. I miss the times of snuggling she would give me when I would nurse. I was only nursing her in the mornings, but now I wake up and it's the first thing I think about. I guess I just need some adjustment time.

Now that I look back on this last year, I can honestly say I enjoyed nursing. Don't get me wrong, though, there were definitely times I thought about quitting. Like the times she would bite, or the time she went on a 3 day nursing strike. Or the times I was being selfish and just wanted to go on a date with my husband alone (she never would touch bottles)! But I wanted to at least make it to a year, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Nursing was in no way easy. It definitely takes a lot of work and sacrifice. But in the end, I'm so very glad I stuck with it!

1 comment:

  1. Such a bitter sweet time...Praying your able to find other ways of getting the snuggle time in. :)
