Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gosh, it's been awhile...

Well, I blogged last about our trip to Nashville. And LOTS of things have happened since then. Yet it all flew by so quickly! I love Christmas time, but it goes by way too quickly! We were pretty busy the month of December. One week, we actually had something to do every single night! That's very unusual for us. I'm a homebody for sure, so it put me out of my comfort zone a little.

On Christmas Eve, we always go to Josh's parents house. We usually have the traditon of eating chili, which is always good. But this year they decided to change it up and have a fancy meal. So, we had ribs, asparagus wrapped in bacon, twice baked potatoes, broccoli casserole, and the best stuffed mushrooms I've ever had! It was absolutely delicious! Then we all unwrapped gifts from their Grandma and she unwrapped ours. Then we always watch a movie, which was "Julie and Julia" this year. I'm still undecided about the movie. It was really long for one thing, and the ending was not what I wanted. Oh well.

Then we spend the night at his parents, and wake up and do Christmas morning. Last year, I think we woke up at like 6 which is way too early! But this year, I guess all the kids are teenagers so they actually slept until 8, which is much more reasonable! So we woke up and did Christmas, and it was really good. I got a good hair straightener, and a pedicure! I'm excited! We got Elijah a guitar and he LOVED it! He never puts it down. I loved watching him open it, and then instantly light up and say "Guiiitaarr!" It was priceless! Hannah could have really cared less about her presents. I think she played the most with a wrapping bow she found!

After we do Christmas at Josh's parents', we eat breakfast and then we get ready to go to my parents. This year we decided to be there at lunch, and then do Christmas after lunch. In previous years, we are busting our tails to get there by 10. Which doesn't help the Christmas spirit in my opinion! So we took it easy this year, and made it there at 12:30. We had another delicious meal of supreme casseroles! And then we did Christmas presents. Josh and I solely asked for a flat panel TV, and we got it! It's soo nice! So we then hung out with my family the rest of the day. I think it was a pretty good Christmas overall! We had some good family time with both sides!

For New Year's, we went down to the River House with Josh's family. It's always fun to go! Even if I didn't even step outside the whole time, tooo cold!! The only shortcoming is that our little family sleeps in the same room, which is not inducive to sleeping! The babies make noises constantly during the night, and I'm a very light sleeper! But we did play alot of games, which is always fun!

Josh's parents also do a little prayer session in which we all ask God to reveal to us what He wants from us in the coming year. We each pray over different areas of our lives: Work/school, family, church, finances, and personal. It's always really good! And we got alot of goals for this next year. I'm really excited to see what God has planned!


  1. I'm so glad you had a great Christmas and New Year! I pray God works mighty wonders in your life this year!!

  2. That Christmas Eve dinner sounds amazing!! Hope you have an amazing year!
