Monday, August 24, 2009

Beach trip!!

Well, this weekend was full! Friday night, we went to our friends Gene and Steph's for Gene's birthday party! It was alot of fun! We had good pizza, and good ice cream cake, and we stayed out wayyy too late!! But it was worth it!

Then on Saturday I had to pack for our trip to the beach. My friend Caroline and her husband Cade, who live in Atlanta, came down for the weekend. And they were renting a condo down at St. George Island for the weekend, so they invited us to come down. So I spent Saturday getting everything ready. We also had a church picnic that night, so we decided to go to that and then drive down to the beach afterwards.

Our plan was to leave about 9, so that the babies would fall asleep and sleep on the way there. That part worked out perfectly! What we didn't plan on, was that they would wake up when we got there! So basically they had a 3 hour nap in the car and were wide awake when we got there! So that was kinda hard. So we stayed up for about an hour, and finally put them to bed. And it probably took them another hour to finally go to sleep! So..that was a LONG night!

But we woke up the next morning and I made some cinnamon rolls..Yummy! And then we headed to the beach. This was the first time that both of my babies have seen the beach, so I was really excited! And they LOVED it! I was so happy! Elijah just loved the waves coming up and hitting him on the back, and played in the sand forever! Hannah liked the water too! She's kind of my drama queen, so I never know how she will react. But she really enjoyed it. I took her out to where I was all the way in, and she just laughed! And Josh took Elijah out, and I could hear him laughing. Well until he went under a couple of times, and then I heard crying..followed my laughing! So I think he liked it for the most part too!

The beach was so incredibly pretty though! The water was crystal clear and you could see straight to the bottom! It was amazing! And while we were in the water..a few dolphins came up pretty close! They were jumping out of the water, and it was awesome!

Well, then Hannah started getting fussy, so I took her in and layed her down for a nap. And the rest of us got in the pool that was at the condo, which was also really nice! Elijah likes swimming alot! Then we made some delicious chicken parmesan, and cut up some fruit for lunch! It was soo yummy! Playing in the water all day always makes food soo good!!

So, then Josh watched the babies while I went out with Caroline and Cade to the beach again. We just swam and talked, and it was nice to have some time on my own without worrying about the babies. Josh was super sweet to allow me to do that! He doesn't really enjoy the beach anyways...

So, then we packed up, and both babies were asleep by the time we pulled out of the driveway, and they slept for most of the way home. So that was really nice. Josh and I had some really good conversations!

So..Overall..I would say this was really an awesome trip! We had a few hiccups, but you can only expect that with babies! And the only real downfall is that...I'm soooo sunburnt! I put on sunscreen, but I don't think I reapplied as much as I should. And Elijah has a few blotchy spots as well. Spray on sunscreen sounds amazing, but it doesn't provide very good coverage in my opinion. Anyways..that's about it for this post! It's a long one!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crying it out...

Well, I have made a decision to let my littlest cry it out at night. I really had to consciously decide to do this this time around. With our first child, it kinda came naturally. I mean we got him to a good weight and age, and then started putting him to bed and letting him cry a little to get to sleep. Then if he woke up at night, we would check on him, etc. but let him go back to sleep on his own. It was hard, but it seemed to work well..and before long he became such a good sleeper! I'm still amazed at how well he goes to bed (most of the time!).

Well, the saying that no two babies are the same couldn't be more truer! Hannah is not a good sleeper. She is almost 9 months old and she still wakes up at night. She doesn't like her own bed, she likes to sleep with us, and she still wants to be fed at night. Well, I am probably to blame alot for her. But this time was soo different. Its hard to let your second one cry it out, when there's another baby sleeping in the room next door. And its even hard when the crying baby has a very high pitch, gut-wrenching scream as a cry! She is incredibly loud! So I've babied her. I've picked her up as soon as she even started to cry. Fed her at night to get her to be quiet. And even let her sleep in the bed with us still.

Well, the other night I decided it was time. Enough is enough! 9 months of not sleeping consistently is too much. So, the other night I fed her and as soon as she was done, I went a layed her down. She screamed for a while, but eventually went to sleep. Then she woke up several times and cried, but I held my ground! And she did eventually go back to sleep each time. And we did the same thing last night, which was alot better. So hopefully its working. And the crying doesn't seem to be bothering Elijah much at all, so we'll keep trying.

But, its so weird, because at night...I'm holding my breath hoping that she'll go to sleep, and she'll stay asleep....but at the same time, I'm also holding my breath waiting for her to make any sound so I know she's still breathing! Last night I layed there for so long debating whether I should go check on her, just touch her to make sure she was ok. Motherhood makes you feel such conflicting emotions sometimes!

Friday, August 7, 2009

One day at a time...the meaning behind the title.

Well, I have a problem. I'll just start by admitting it. My problem is this: I'm always trying to live in the future. I've always done it, all of my life. In middle school, I fantasized about high school. That's where all the great things would happen! I get to high school, and I fantasize about how life would be different in college. In college, I think about life and how it would be when I would be out of school all together. I could have a life, get married, have babies. I mean I'm not saying its bad to think about those things, but I would do it so much to the point where I wasn't living my life in the present. Just always thinking life would start in the next stage. Boy, was I ever wrong!

God has definitely been showing me the error of my ways lately. I mean, here I am, married with two babies, thinking about how when we can make a little more money, and we can get a bigger house, then my life would begin. It's really quite sad! I mean my life is really in its prime right now! There's a lot going on! I have two amazing children that surprise me every day in the things they learn and do. They are growing up so fast, that I'm really learning how to sit back and enjoy the stages they go through. My husband and I are almost to our 5th anniversary, and I love him more now than I ever have! We have great family and friends, and more to do than we even have time for. So life is happening! And I'm really just beginning to see that. God has really put it on my heart to just live one day at a time. To enjoy each day and what it brings. And to not worry about what life will throw at us next. (I'm a major worrier.)

So anways, just wanted to share the meaning behind my blog title!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The ongoing car search!

Well, for those of you who don't know, we sold my car last week! My car since I have had since high school! That was nine years ago. So I'm glad we sold it, but also very, very sad. It's like a part of my life is missing not seeing it outside. Well, we have to find a new car. This is exciting, but also very nerve wracking! I mean, I have so many questions..what kind of car? which brand of car? Should we get something good on gas or something with more room? Should we get a van??? I mean, we only have 2 kids..but we want more. We've always heard that when you get a van, you never go back. So maybe we just want something smaller until we have more kids?? So many questions and thoughts and fears that I just want someone to tell me. "Here is the car, This is the perfect car for you!" That would be easier!

Well, today we went and drove a few cars that we have been thinking about, to get a better feel for them. I don't feel any closer. I mean..I liked them all. I think I'm pretty easy to please. Well, Josh doesn't think so. But I really liked them all. So..we drove a Jeep Liberty, a Toyota Highlander, a Honda Accord, and a Nissan Altima. They were all really nice. Maybe I'm just used to my old 1999 Pontiac or something. But I will admit. I did like the Honda Accord the best. But I didn't get to drive it because it was a stick. But it was very smooth and comfortable to ride in.

Well, that's about all. I guess we'll keep looking and praying. I hopefully the perfect car will be shown to us!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fun, but tiring weekend!

We had a pretty good weekend, but I feel dead on my feet right about now! We went into the weekend with no plans at all, but ended up doing quite a bit! Friday night, Gene and Stephanie came over and we got some food and ate it at our house. We were planning on watching a movie, but ended up talking instead and never got around to it. We all decided that night that it would be fun to take the boat out the next day on a small lake here in Moultrie.

So Saturday morning they came over, and we went to the lake. We took the babies, and I was kinda thinking I might just end up sitting on the dock with the babies while everyone else got to go on the boat. But we put them in there and they did surprisingly well! Hannah did awesome! She was really happy and excited for most of the time, and then later she even fell asleep. Elijah was a little scared at first, but he got used to it and did really good too! Josh skiied and then I gave it a try...with no luck! This is the second time I've tried, and the next time..I'm gonna get it! It was really alot of fun though! The only thing is that I thought I wouldn't need sunscreen because we were only going to be out there for a couple of hours. Bad Idea! I'm sooo burnt!

So, anyways..we came back later that afternoon..the babies were pooped and needed naps and then we just hung out at home the rest of the night. I was really tired too, I think the sun took all my energy.

Well, then this morning Josh and Stewart led worship and I sang. That's not a big deal, but it always takes alot of energy out of me! I guess its because we have to get up early and get ready and then practice and then do the service. I'm always so tired afterwards. So we went and ate and then came back home. And of course the babies slept on the way home, so Hannah was wide awake when we got home. So no nap for me :(

Well, we just ate dinner and Josh is bathing the kids, and then bedtime! I'm so ready!