Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Big news for the Folsoms!

For those of you that went to this post already thinking I'm posting about being pregnant, shame on you! :)  No, that's not our news this time!  We have another exciting adventure we are about to embark upon. 

WE ARE MOVING! To Nashville, Tennessee!!!!   Even as I type these sentences, I can't even believe it's true.  It's literally blowing my mind! 

Anyways, here's the story.  We have literally been feeling a drawing towards Nashville for some time now.  Almost 2+ years of a constant yearning.  We've actually been talking about it since before we were married.  And we kinda felt like eventually it would come about.  But it never really felt right, so we just kept trusting God to let us know.  Well, all of a sudden the yearning came!  And we knew it was time to do something.  We also knew that we had a lot to deal with here before it could happen, so for the last year and a half we've been in transition mode. Fixing the house, fixing our finances, finishing up jobs. 

So Josh has been working an amazing job, that a very kind friend, recommended him for. But it is now coming to an end.  This week actually.  So about a month ago, we took a trip up to Nashville to see about a few prospective jobs.  Denise, with her amazing connections, set up a meeting with a father and son company.  Josh went to meet with them, and when he came back, he said he felt like God had ordained that meeting. It went so well, and it was everything he wanted.  They had not hired him on the spot, but they were very positive about seeing if the position they wanted him for would work out. So Josh kept in touch, and we waited.  SO very hard to do. 

So, for a few weeks there we were just waiting.  Working on the house as much as we could, but still really just waiting.  (Again, VERY hard to do when your income is about to cease, and there's 5 of us to support!) But God is sooo very faithful!  The company contacted Josh, and wants him to come be the manager over all the rental property maintenance!  AND they are putting him on SALARY!  Such a big change.  And, they are understanding of us trying to move our family up there by being lenient on his actual start date!  But as of now, his actual start date is October 15!

Actual move date is still really iffy.  Right now, we are just working our butts off on the house to get it ready to sale.  Josh is putting up vinyl siding on the outside, and I am, literally, painting every single surface in this house.  (at least it feels like it!) Josh might go up and work and commute back down on the weekends for a few weeks, so we can get the house done and have some time to actually pack the house! But that could change too.  We are still trying to get it all figured out. 

But we are making progress.  We've gotten a lot done on the house, even with a few major setbacks.  But now we are all sick, which has hindered progress a little. I really think that we are experiencing some major attacks.  I mean, we are working hard on the house, and even with the setbacks, we are getting a lot done!  Then, out of nowhere, we ALL get sick.  And not just a little cold.  We are all sick with different things.  I've had a really bad cold, with debilitating headaches. Elijah had a sore throat, but was nauseous and throwing up.  Hannah and Rachel had runny noses, with major diarrhea. And Josh has had awful stomach cramping and upset stomach.  It's just been so weird.  But we are all on the mend, with a lot of prayer! 

So, like I said, Josh's job ends this week.  And we were a little nervous about the next two weeks being jobless, because we didn't want to spend any savings.  But again, I don't know why we worry, God is ever faithful.  He's gotten so many sidejobs, that it will definitely keep him busy!  So busy, in fact, that he's going to be working hard to get it all done!

So, that's our story.  We are going to be very busy for the next few weeks!  So anytime you'd like to say a little prayer for us, it would be greatly appreciated.  Wisdom on what to do with this house, prospective buyers to be sent our way, and grace for the move! 

I'm going to miss south Georgia though!  I've only lived in about a 45 mile radius my WHOLE life, so this is definitely something new and different!  But we are VERY excited about what God has planned for us!  Can't Wait!  :D

I"ll keep you posted!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Horrible Weekend.

****Foreword: I am a control freak, and usually a very organized person.  When things don't go the way planned, it can literally seem like the end of the world.  I know this is a flaw, and it is being worked on. That being said, this was just a weekend of a string of unfortunate events.****

The saying "When it rains, it pours."  Yeah, that applies.  This weekend, or past 5 days really, have seemed like that saying.  Let's go back to Friday.  The weekend seemed very promising.  It was supposed to be sunny for like 4 days!  Anyone who lives in South Ga knows that this has been a very uncommon thing for us.  It has literally rained every day for the last 2 months!  So, with this sunny forecast came a sidejob for Josh that he's been waiting on the weather to accomplish:  rebuilding a roof.  It was a difficult roof.  It has been leaking for years, on a building downtown.  And no one can find the reason for the leak.  So it was decided just to rebuild a completely new roof.  So Josh and two other guys started that on Friday.  They had done most of the construction part of the job, and just had to put down the metal.  Seemed like a good day, probably would be able to finish on Saturday. Great!

The problem started when Josh realized at 5, that the place he needed to rent a piece of equipment for had already closed.  He thought they would be open Saturday morning, but were not.  Saturday morning comes along, and the only place close to us that was open had already rented that particular peice of equipment.  So, he does all that he can without it.  And decided he would have to finish it Monday morning.  Which would not be ideal, but would work. We were also dealing with Hurricane Isaac proposed to make an appearance on Tuesday, so this had to get done!

Well, during all of this Rachel is starting to get sick.  She's running a temp of around 100-102 and just not herself at all.  And it just won't break.  I mean I tried everything. Giving Motrin and Tylenol alternately.  Giving her lukewarm baths.  It would not break.  So I was getting worried about her.  And she wasn't sleeping at night at all.  Everytime I'd go to get her...she was just soaking wet, and miserable.

Sunday comes along, and we are watching the weather and looks like rain on Monday, around lunch.  Not good.  So Josh goes and tries to do all the prep work he can do, so that he can get it done first thing Monday.  He does, but on his way home his truck starts acting up. Really? 

Well, Sunday night was rough!  I put the kids to bed, and then around 1, Rachel wakes up.  She's not acting like herself at all, just totally out of it.   And she's soaked!  I take her in the kitchen, and take her temp and it's 105.2!  Her usual temp is like 97.8, so this just feels really bad. And I'm kinda freaking out now.  I give her some more medicine, and it just wouldn't come down.  After that, we decided that maybe this was something really bad going on, so I took her to the ER.  We arrived around 2:15. They did lots of tests on her!  X-rays, urinalysis, bloodwork.  And nothing showed up, which was great! So they think it was just viral.  But I felt like an awful mother making her go through all of that! Not to mention the nurse from hell that I was dealing with.   After 5+ hours, I was more than ready to go home!  We got home around 8. Josh's mom had come over to watch the kids, so Josh could go finish a roof.   I put Rachel to bed, but by this time my other two were awake.

I'm also worrying about Josh and the roof.  Turns out the piece of equipment he rented was not doing what he needed it too, so he had to change plans. And we are just praying the rain holds off.  So he eventually does finish around 2, and God held the rain back until the last minute they were finishing up! So naptime comes, and I am more than ready.  We all lay down, and at around 3 I get a phone call from Josh.  His truck is really acting up, and he needs us to come get him.  No naptime....So we head out, and get him.  He talks to my step-dad, a mechanic, and decided that it would be safe to drive it to him.  So that's what we do.  Me and the kids go hang out with my mom while they work on the truck.  And they do get it fixed!  So that was great!  It felt like things were getting better!  I'm utterly exhausted by this point, and just wanting sleep.

Tuesday.  I wake up to find the business account overdrawn.  Poop.  This is completely my job.  I take care of the finances.  I had put money in there for the job, but with all the extra things going on- refiguring the roof, and the cost of the truck parts- we were under. It had not even crossed my mind to check on it.  Then, we find out that the roof is still leaking (IN THE SAME SPOT!). Seriously?

Not to mention, we are running low on groceries, and very important toiletries (i.e. toilet paper) and the house is a complete mess.  Good news, we went for a recheck on Rachel and everything looked good!  And she's almost back to her normal self now!

Like I said earlier, this was not as bad as life gets, but for a control freak it felt pretty bad.  I felt like I had failed at every turn. But we are trusting God that He has things undercontrol.  And it isn't my place to worry about it.

 Things are not completely resolved, but I know now I just can't control it all.  I did get groceries the morning, and the house is getting cleaned today!  And that's all I can do. Lesson learned.  Worrying only makes it worse. And life is far from awful.  Rachel is much better, and we are all safe and healthy. Josh gave some much needed work to some guys that needed it. And the truck is fixed!

Prayers are definitely appreciated though.  Especially for wisdom to deal with this roof situation!    

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rachel turns 18 months

Well, Rachel turned 18 months on April 7. I honestly can't believe it's already been that long. I know everyone says that, but she is still so much like a baby (still breastfeeding and very petite)'s really hard to believe.

We went to the doctor today for her check-up and he said she looked good. She weighed 20.4 pounds, 30 inches long, and her head was 17.5 inches. Still in the petite range for sure. Like I said, she is still breastfeeding, but we have cut it down to a morning and night feeding. I, honestly, would love to quit right now. But she loves it so much, and also I can't get her to drink milk. She just throws her cup down and screams. Yikes!

And speaking of screaming, I think this age might be one of my least favorites. The attitude paired with her not being able to communicate effectively usually results in a screaming fest. It's out of control right now. And it is more than frustrating. Trying to figure out the best way to handle it right now. Other than that, she's a really sweet child. Very much still a momma's girl though. She has NEVER successfully stayed in the nursery at church. She has just recently been more affectionate towards our families, which has allowed us to have a couple of dates! :)

Not a talker by any means. She can say: mama, dada, cat, cheese, bye, dog (kinda), and that's pretty much it. She knows how to shake her head for yes and no, and she knows how to use that little finger to show what she wants! But even though she isn't talking, she knows a lot of words. She can show you all her body parts and she can point out tons of stuff in books. Mostly animals- her favorite.

She has only had 6 teeth up until this month. The front 4 on the top, and 2 on the bottom. Just this week, she's been super fussy and waking at night so I do believe more are coming. There is one little piece of white popping through the bottom. Why can't they get more than one tooth at a time? It would be a lot quicker of a process for her to deal with, and, also, I would like to conserve the Ibuprofen!

What she likes to do most days: feeding the cat, then watching her while she eats; playing outside; swinging; watching Little Bear; and playing with her big brother and sister (when they allow it). Their most common game is pretending Rachel is the "monster" and running away from her. Rachel enjoys it, so I'll allow it. :)

Favorite foods (not very many, or she keeps changing on me!): yogurt, cheese, vegetable soup, and goldfish. She eats a lot if things, but I usually have to do some coaxing. Anyways, I think that is a good update on Rachel at least!

                                                   Playing with her big sister!
                                                  Hunting Easter eggs.
                                                   First time getting her toe nails painted!
                                                     Saying "cheese" for the camera. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Jesus loves the children...

I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but this subject has just been burning within me.  I'll write an updating post soon!

As I was reading some bible stories to the kids, we recently began reading about how Jesus loves the children.  As Jesus was teaching, in a couple of instances it tells how the small children try and come up to Him.  As they came near, the disciples began to rebuke them and told the mothers to take their children away.  But Jesus was not pleased, and told them to let the children come to Him.

I've read these stories many times, and it was always "yeah, Jesus loves the children."  But as I was reading it this time, the tears began to fall, and I realized He not only was showing love to the children, but to the MOTHERS as well! 

Oh, how many instances I've been in situations where I felt my children were bothering people. And in my need to not feel like a nuisance with my children, how utterly neglected I've felt as well.  Sitting alone in a room away from everyone else.  But Jesus told the children to come, which also invited the mothers to come!  He wanted them to experience His love too, when most of the time they probably felt neglected as well.  How happy it makes me when people love on my children- in many ways it's a direct connection to loving me!  I love being around family, because they genuinely love and want to be with my children.

Jesus was very important, and many people came to hear Him speak.  But He wasn't too important for the children or their mothers.  He loved them all, and as a mother...I really needed to hear this!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Absent from this world...

From the bloggin world, that is. :)  LOTS of things have been going on.  We've had 4 birthdays since I've blogged last (And that's just in our immediate family!), we've fixed the van, Rachel has gotten 4 teeth and started taking steps, we've finished part of the addition (the laundry room),  we've gone to Nashville for a week, and many other activities.  All things I wanted to eventually blog about, but just thinking about blogging all of that has made me wary and not wanting to blog at all.  Ironic, huh?

Anyways, all is well with us.  Josh's job is still going great.  It's a temporary job, and we thought it would be over by now, but it's been extended for at least a few more months, so we are feeling super blessed by that.  We are trying to get all of our financial affairs in order.  Credit cards paid off, emergency fund funded, and other different funds started.  So having this job be extended gives us more time to do just that!  

The kids are doing awesome.  They are getting so much better at playing with one another, and they are exceptionally careful and nice to Rachel.  They have their scuffles, but who doesn't? :)

We've been using alot of our spare time to work on the house.  We finished the laundry room like I said, and we are now working on the living room.  Next is the kitchen, then the master bedroom addition.  And the outside is also a big to-do!  But we are getting closer.  I've really felt an urgency to work on it, and to get it all complete.   

This whole year has really felt like a year of preparation.  Preparing for what you might ask?  I have NO IDEA.  Which is frustrating. (I'm a planner.)  But I've really felt God leading us in this.  He keeps saying "You need to get ready."  So I know he's working out something awesome for us.  So we are doing like he says...getting our finances ready, the house ready, and anything else in order that needs to be.   Josh and I have been starting to feel "uncomfortable"  in our lives, which feels like a sign God is pushing us towards something new.  So I'm trying to just wait, and do what we are called to do right now.  I guess there's a lesson in patience that's being wrapped in as well! :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sorry I've been missing from the blogging world.  Life always takes precedence, and lately I've been overwhelmed with life right now.  I have been missing blogging though.  I've had several topics I wanted to write about, but I just need more time! :)

Kids are all doing great right now.  The older two are still struggling with playing nice with one another.  We have constant battles all day.  But realistically, most of the day they play very well together.  I just always seem to remember the fights!  We also started doing "school".  We just read bible stories, do little workbooks, and a lot of coloring.  Just getting them used to sitting still and listening.  They've really been doing very good.  And every morning they ask when we are going to start school, so I guess they are enjoying it!

Rachel is now crawling on her hands and knees, and she's very fast! She's into EVERYTHING!  I think I clean up more after her than Elijah and Hannah.  She's also pulling up on everything, and starting to cruise around the furniture.  She's getting better at going to other people, but she's predominantly still a mama's girl! (One day, I'll get some alone time!)

We are without a van right now.  Well, we still have it, it's just currently not running.  We found out that it has a bad cyclinder head valve that is leaking.  I don't understand all this lingo, but apparantly it has something to do with the motor, and it's bad.  Josh is currently spending all his free time taking the engine apart.  He's been thinking about getting into mechanics lately, and everyone says to just get your hands on it and try. So we figured this was a good chance!  So that's what we've been up too.  Following an instructional book.  And honestly it's been enjoyable.  We've been doing it together, and it's nice to just have an opportunity to be with him.  Any opportunity!  But it does stink going back to one vehicle.

In other news, Josh and I both got smartphones. And I'd like to stay that I'm completely blown away by how advanced this phone is.  I mean, my old phone, which was not a bad phone, is absolutely outdated!  I just can't believe how far phones have come in two years.  It seems so crazy.  But it's nice to be able to do EVERYTHING from my phone.  Except for blog..I haven't figured that out yet.. So I'm still using the old desktop.  That's partly the reason for not blogging lately.  I just never get on here anymore.

Need to run!  Well, I really just need a shower while everyone's happy! :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Boy oh Boy! Where does the time go?

It's been a month since I blogged last?  Actually, I know exactly where the time went.  Into some precious kiddos!  Into potty training, playing outside alot, playing inside alot lately due to the heat, and much more. Oh, and I can't forget those 3 amazing weeks of us all having an AWFUL stomach bug.  It was great fun! NOT!   It slowly but surely went through all of us, and I was even lucky to get it twice!  Taking care of kids, and being sick yourself is seriously one of the hardest things about being a mother.  There's never any time to rest, so you just have to soldier through.  BUT...we are all in complete health once again, and it really makes me appreciate not being sick! :)

Updates on us: 

Hannah and Elijah are becoming the best of friends. They play together all day.  And although they do have some scuffles throughout the day, they seem to really enjoy one another!  One of my favorite (and not so favorite) things they do is when they are going to bed at night.  I can hear their little voices carrying on a little conversation! It's super adorable!  Well, until it goes on for an hour and then it has to be stopped.  But I still love it just the same.

Hannah is pretty much potty trained! After a long period of trying to wait until she was ready, I finally just dug in my heels and told her it was time!  I said I would write a blog about that ordeal, but time just got away from me!  It took about 3 VERY frustrating days.  Almost to the point of wanting to give up completely.  But then, it was like it just clicked in her head! And she was potty trained from then on out.  She's only had a few accidents, and she even stays dry most nights!  YAY!!!  She still wears a pull up at night, because she's not completely reliable...but she's doing amazing! I'm so very proud of her!

Rachel turned 9 months, and she's changing every day!  We just had a check-up and she weighed 15.8 pounds.  She's 27.5 inches long, and her head is 16.5 inches.  Still very small, but the doctor said she was healthy, and looked really good.  Her size is no indication of how she eats though.  She's ravenous at every meal, and eats almost everything I give her!  I've also started making her food.  Usually I just puree what we have for dinner, and then I also have some days where I just make a lot of her baby food.  She seems to really be liking it!  She's still breastfeeding about 4 times day also.

Rachel's sleeping through the night! This has been the best improvement of all!  Being able to sleep again really changes your outlook on life! haha :)

She's been crawling for about a month now.  And she can go from crawling to sitting up now too.  This makes it easier on her and me! Not easier on the other two though.  haha.  She's usually following them around, and getting into "their" toys.  :)  Recently, she's been trying to pull up on the couch and other furniture as well.  She only gets to about her knees, but she's really trying hard!

Other tricks-  She really likes to dance!  It's adorable.  Anytime I sing or she hears music, she'll sit up and start grooving! I need to get a video, because it's so funny!   She's clapping too, and we are still working on waving bye-bye. 

I've been doing little odds and ends fix-its around the house.  Like painting, and caulking, and anything else I can do. We still have a long way to go, but one day!  Josh has been so busy with work and side jobs, that we've really only been seeing him at night!  But I can't complain about the work!  Our next big project is to finish the addition- starting with the laundry room!  That space is much needed, so I'm getting excited! 

Anyways, i have a little pair of hands pulling at me wanting some attention, so I"ll try to blog again soon!