Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Absent from this world...

From the bloggin world, that is. :)  LOTS of things have been going on.  We've had 4 birthdays since I've blogged last (And that's just in our immediate family!), we've fixed the van, Rachel has gotten 4 teeth and started taking steps, we've finished part of the addition (the laundry room),  we've gone to Nashville for a week, and many other activities.  All things I wanted to eventually blog about, but just thinking about blogging all of that has made me wary and not wanting to blog at all.  Ironic, huh?

Anyways, all is well with us.  Josh's job is still going great.  It's a temporary job, and we thought it would be over by now, but it's been extended for at least a few more months, so we are feeling super blessed by that.  We are trying to get all of our financial affairs in order.  Credit cards paid off, emergency fund funded, and other different funds started.  So having this job be extended gives us more time to do just that!  

The kids are doing awesome.  They are getting so much better at playing with one another, and they are exceptionally careful and nice to Rachel.  They have their scuffles, but who doesn't? :)

We've been using alot of our spare time to work on the house.  We finished the laundry room like I said, and we are now working on the living room.  Next is the kitchen, then the master bedroom addition.  And the outside is also a big to-do!  But we are getting closer.  I've really felt an urgency to work on it, and to get it all complete.   

This whole year has really felt like a year of preparation.  Preparing for what you might ask?  I have NO IDEA.  Which is frustrating. (I'm a planner.)  But I've really felt God leading us in this.  He keeps saying "You need to get ready."  So I know he's working out something awesome for us.  So we are doing like he says...getting our finances ready, the house ready, and anything else in order that needs to be.   Josh and I have been starting to feel "uncomfortable"  in our lives, which feels like a sign God is pushing us towards something new.  So I'm trying to just wait, and do what we are called to do right now.  I guess there's a lesson in patience that's being wrapped in as well! :)

1 comment:

  1. Each time I read your posts like this I think y'all are moving away! I'd be sad to see y'all go but excited for whatever awesome plans God is going to reveal!!
