Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Big news for the Folsoms!

For those of you that went to this post already thinking I'm posting about being pregnant, shame on you! :)  No, that's not our news this time!  We have another exciting adventure we are about to embark upon. 

WE ARE MOVING! To Nashville, Tennessee!!!!   Even as I type these sentences, I can't even believe it's true.  It's literally blowing my mind! 

Anyways, here's the story.  We have literally been feeling a drawing towards Nashville for some time now.  Almost 2+ years of a constant yearning.  We've actually been talking about it since before we were married.  And we kinda felt like eventually it would come about.  But it never really felt right, so we just kept trusting God to let us know.  Well, all of a sudden the yearning came!  And we knew it was time to do something.  We also knew that we had a lot to deal with here before it could happen, so for the last year and a half we've been in transition mode. Fixing the house, fixing our finances, finishing up jobs. 

So Josh has been working an amazing job, that a very kind friend, recommended him for. But it is now coming to an end.  This week actually.  So about a month ago, we took a trip up to Nashville to see about a few prospective jobs.  Denise, with her amazing connections, set up a meeting with a father and son company.  Josh went to meet with them, and when he came back, he said he felt like God had ordained that meeting. It went so well, and it was everything he wanted.  They had not hired him on the spot, but they were very positive about seeing if the position they wanted him for would work out. So Josh kept in touch, and we waited.  SO very hard to do. 

So, for a few weeks there we were just waiting.  Working on the house as much as we could, but still really just waiting.  (Again, VERY hard to do when your income is about to cease, and there's 5 of us to support!) But God is sooo very faithful!  The company contacted Josh, and wants him to come be the manager over all the rental property maintenance!  AND they are putting him on SALARY!  Such a big change.  And, they are understanding of us trying to move our family up there by being lenient on his actual start date!  But as of now, his actual start date is October 15!

Actual move date is still really iffy.  Right now, we are just working our butts off on the house to get it ready to sale.  Josh is putting up vinyl siding on the outside, and I am, literally, painting every single surface in this house.  (at least it feels like it!) Josh might go up and work and commute back down on the weekends for a few weeks, so we can get the house done and have some time to actually pack the house! But that could change too.  We are still trying to get it all figured out. 

But we are making progress.  We've gotten a lot done on the house, even with a few major setbacks.  But now we are all sick, which has hindered progress a little. I really think that we are experiencing some major attacks.  I mean, we are working hard on the house, and even with the setbacks, we are getting a lot done!  Then, out of nowhere, we ALL get sick.  And not just a little cold.  We are all sick with different things.  I've had a really bad cold, with debilitating headaches. Elijah had a sore throat, but was nauseous and throwing up.  Hannah and Rachel had runny noses, with major diarrhea. And Josh has had awful stomach cramping and upset stomach.  It's just been so weird.  But we are all on the mend, with a lot of prayer! 

So, like I said, Josh's job ends this week.  And we were a little nervous about the next two weeks being jobless, because we didn't want to spend any savings.  But again, I don't know why we worry, God is ever faithful.  He's gotten so many sidejobs, that it will definitely keep him busy!  So busy, in fact, that he's going to be working hard to get it all done!

So, that's our story.  We are going to be very busy for the next few weeks!  So anytime you'd like to say a little prayer for us, it would be greatly appreciated.  Wisdom on what to do with this house, prospective buyers to be sent our way, and grace for the move! 

I'm going to miss south Georgia though!  I've only lived in about a 45 mile radius my WHOLE life, so this is definitely something new and different!  But we are VERY excited about what God has planned for us!  Can't Wait!  :D

I"ll keep you posted!


  1. Congrats! Josh and I love TN! We always said we thought we would end up there one day(like retirement) too!

  2. That's so exciting!!! I am so happy for y'all. God is good.
