Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rachel turns 18 months

Well, Rachel turned 18 months on April 7. I honestly can't believe it's already been that long. I know everyone says that, but she is still so much like a baby (still breastfeeding and very petite)...it's really hard to believe.

We went to the doctor today for her check-up and he said she looked good. She weighed 20.4 pounds, 30 inches long, and her head was 17.5 inches. Still in the petite range for sure. Like I said, she is still breastfeeding, but we have cut it down to a morning and night feeding. I, honestly, would love to quit right now. But she loves it so much, and also I can't get her to drink milk. She just throws her cup down and screams. Yikes!

And speaking of screaming, I think this age might be one of my least favorites. The attitude paired with her not being able to communicate effectively usually results in a screaming fest. It's out of control right now. And it is more than frustrating. Trying to figure out the best way to handle it right now. Other than that, she's a really sweet child. Very much still a momma's girl though. She has NEVER successfully stayed in the nursery at church. She has just recently been more affectionate towards our families, which has allowed us to have a couple of dates! :)

Not a talker by any means. She can say: mama, dada, cat, cheese, bye, dog (kinda), and that's pretty much it. She knows how to shake her head for yes and no, and she knows how to use that little finger to show what she wants! But even though she isn't talking, she knows a lot of words. She can show you all her body parts and she can point out tons of stuff in books. Mostly animals- her favorite.

She has only had 6 teeth up until this month. The front 4 on the top, and 2 on the bottom. Just this week, she's been super fussy and waking at night so I do believe more are coming. There is one little piece of white popping through the bottom. Why can't they get more than one tooth at a time? It would be a lot quicker of a process for her to deal with, and, also, I would like to conserve the Ibuprofen!

What she likes to do most days: feeding the cat, then watching her while she eats; playing outside; swinging; watching Little Bear; and playing with her big brother and sister (when they allow it). Their most common game is pretending Rachel is the "monster" and running away from her. Rachel enjoys it, so I'll allow it. :)

Favorite foods (not very many, or she keeps changing on me!): yogurt, cheese, vegetable soup, and goldfish. She eats a lot if things, but I usually have to do some coaxing. Anyways, I think that is a good update on Rachel at least!

                                                   Playing with her big sister!
                                                  Hunting Easter eggs.
                                                   First time getting her toe nails painted!
                                                     Saying "cheese" for the camera. :)

1 comment:

  1. She is adorable Steph! I can't believe she is 18 months old. We need to see each other!!
