Friday, March 30, 2012

Jesus loves the children...

I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but this subject has just been burning within me.  I'll write an updating post soon!

As I was reading some bible stories to the kids, we recently began reading about how Jesus loves the children.  As Jesus was teaching, in a couple of instances it tells how the small children try and come up to Him.  As they came near, the disciples began to rebuke them and told the mothers to take their children away.  But Jesus was not pleased, and told them to let the children come to Him.

I've read these stories many times, and it was always "yeah, Jesus loves the children."  But as I was reading it this time, the tears began to fall, and I realized He not only was showing love to the children, but to the MOTHERS as well! 

Oh, how many instances I've been in situations where I felt my children were bothering people. And in my need to not feel like a nuisance with my children, how utterly neglected I've felt as well.  Sitting alone in a room away from everyone else.  But Jesus told the children to come, which also invited the mothers to come!  He wanted them to experience His love too, when most of the time they probably felt neglected as well.  How happy it makes me when people love on my children- in many ways it's a direct connection to loving me!  I love being around family, because they genuinely love and want to be with my children.

Jesus was very important, and many people came to hear Him speak.  But He wasn't too important for the children or their mothers.  He loved them all, and as a mother...I really needed to hear this!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Steph! Thank you for posting! I needed to read this!
