Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rachel Grace

I can't believe Rachel is 8 months old now.  In some ways it feels like it's flown by, but in other ways it feels like its dragging.  She's taking her time in reaching milestones, so in some ways it still feels like I still have a newborn.  I really don't think anything is developmentally wrong, I just think she just doesn't really care about doing some things.  I honestly can't believe that she's nearing 1- only 4 more months!  It doesn't seem possible.  I was looking at a developmental chart the other day, and by age 1 they are supposed to be standing and saying a few words--that seems so far away for her!

Here's some new things for her though:

She's finally sitting up on her own!!  This one thing has made life so much easier.  I no longer have to tote her bumbo everywhere we go, or lay a blanket out for her to play on.  I can just sit her down.  This one thing takes away so much pressure and backache!

She's trying to crawl.  I don't think we are very close yet though. She get's up on her elbows, but hasn't got gotten up on her knees.  She keeps her back legs straight, and then kinda pushes with her toes on the floor.  So she kinda just rocks a little in that position.  She's still a roller though.  She just rolls everywhere she wants to go.

She's still doing great eating solids.  Right now her favorite foods are squash and carrots.  She likes them more than any other fruit.  She has been refusing bananas and peaches lately.  And I've never been able to get her to eat peas and green beans.  The faces she makes when I give her foods she dislikes is hilarious though.  She definitely knows how to show emotions!

She's started to imitate us.  She does this cute scrunchy thing with her nose, and blows air out at the same time.  If we do it first, she'll do it too. I tried doing something else with her yesterday.  I was shaking my head, and she started doing it too.  And then she started laughing and smiling, like she understood that she did it.  It was super cute!

She "talks" a lot.  She can say "mamama" and  "dadada" regularly.  I don't really think she knows what she's saying, but we like to pretend she does. :)

Her sleeping at night is still pretty sporadic.  I never know what the night has in store.  We are definitely not sleeping through the night anymore. Sometimes she just wakes up once, and then early in the morning.  Other times we are up several times.  I'm going to have to crack down soon and figure some way to teach her to sleep through the night.  Haven't quite decided what method to use this time.  It's just so easy to nurse her and put her back down.  But it's definitely a large part of her just wanting me.  As soon as I pick her up, she just clings to me.  Kinda like a hug. So, I'm not sure what to do just yet about it.

She is extremely attached to Josh and I these days.  She really doesn't let anyone else hold her.  Which is so frustrating.  It would be nice to get a little break, or for Josh and I to have a date alone.  But...she screams..alot.  I would hate to put anyone through that.  One day...

She's very social. I found out recently, that she's usually crying because no one is right next to her.  If she's sitting at the table with us, or if the kids are playing on the floor with her..she's so content.  But as soon as they leave her, she has a fit.  So usually she's just moved around to different rooms and different apparati. That way she really stays very happy! :)

Otherwise, she's pretty laid back.  She likes to just watch Elijah and Hannah. And she'll just laugh and laugh if they play with her. 

 Playing on the floor with Elijah

 Getting really good at sitting up!

 Now that she's sitting up better, we started putting her in the high chair.  She seems to like it!

Helping mommy and daddy work in Valdosta!

1 comment:

  1. That first picture is so cute!! Don't worry about her milestones. She will hit them when she is ready. Weston is pulling up on anything he can get a grip on these days, but still hasn't said mama.
