Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I can't keep up!

I have so many things I've been wanting to say lately, but never enough time to just sit down and write.  I write these few sentences now as the kids are cleaning up their toys before naptime.  Then when they wake up, we are all going to my mom's for dinner.  Tomorrow, we have a play date.  Thursday, we might be getting together with a couple who Josh works with.  And Friday, we are leaving to go to the RIVER!  Friday can't come soon enough.  We have not had a family vacation for a while.  I honestly can't remember a time where we've spent the whole weekend together.  I am beyond excited!!


Rachel turned 8 months today!  I can't believe it.  When I have some time, I'll write a whole blog on what's been going on with her.

We finished the rental house in Valdosta!!!!  Josh and I went on Sunday, and worked all day on it.  Painting, cleaning, and just a lot of last minute stuff.  And a young guy came by and talked to us about renting, so I think we may have it rented as well.  This is such a load off!  This has been the most stressful thing in our lives right now.  Hence the vacation to the river this weekend!  But it looks AMAZING!  Josh did such a good job.  It looks WAY better than when we even lived there...go figure!

Oh, I got a van! I don't think i've updated about that!  It's another Odyssey.  A year older than my other one, and a few more miles.  But almost everything else is the same, and I love it!  And the best part- It's paid for!!!  We have definitely been blessed through that whole situation.

Anyways, life is pretty normal otherwise! Lots of playing outside and swimming. Summer always seems so hectic, why is that? 

Well, I gotta go and get some kiddos in the bed!

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