Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Part 5 - The surprise!

After the state patrolman finally got there and asked me what happened, and surveyed the scene, they finally let us go.  The babies and I rode home with Josh's parents.  On the way, I realized that they hadn't been home yet!  For some reason I thought they went home, and then came to the accident.  So they still had no clue what we had been up to!

We arrived, and Josh's dad went in first.  I just saw his back as he was going in, and he really didn't look overjoyed.  Uh oh.  Josh and I and his mom were getting the kids out of the van, and we came in a little before his mom.  She was speechless!  She came in so hesitantly. (It was probably the amount of people that had gathered and were the first thing you saw when you came in!)  But she just stood there for a long time, with her mouth open!  She just kept walking around with her mouth open a little looking at everything!  I'm so glad that she liked it.  (It was mostly for her anyways!)  Dad eventually came around and said that he liked it too though. I'm sure it was a lot to handle seeing it for the first time!

Here are some after pictures of the house:

So, we stayed the rest of the evening and just hung out with his family.  Denise and Jacob, and Rebekah were still in town so we just sat around and talked mostly.  We went home a little later, and I was exhausted.  The full week of work, plus the emotions of the wreck and the surprise.  I just fell in bed that night!

The next week was full of dealing with the van situation.  Thankfully, we had full coverage on it!  I spent most of the week talking to several people from State Farm.  And I had to go up to the body shop alot to sign alot of papers.  All week, we didn't know what was going to happen with it.  They finally got the estimate to fix it finalized on Friday.  Monday, we heard from State Farm.  They were totalling it.

I can't believe the emotions I had towards that car.  But I was seriously so sad to lose it.  The previous week, it came into my thoughts several times that we just needed to sell it.  I know that was God asking me to give it up, but I kept resisting.  And looking back, it feels like it just took physical force to just take it away from me!  But it really worked out great.  We got WAY more than we paid for it!  And we were able to pay off the rest of the loan, and have enough left over to buy another car outright! Praise God! No more car payments!  Now we are just in the process of finding another car. 


1 comment:

  1. Well, it totally stinks that you had the accident, but I'm so glad God was watching over you and the babies. Also, what an awesome blessing to be able to pay off the car and then buy another one!!! God works in wonderful ways. :)
