Tuesday, May 10, 2011

7 months!

Wow! I cannot believe 7 months has gone by so quickly!  Rachel just turned 7 months old this past Saturday, and it's so hard to believe.

She's a little behind on her doctors' appointments, so we just had her 6 month check-up about 2 weeks ago.  She weighed 13.9 pounds, and was 26 inches long.  And her head was 15.75 inches.  Still pretty small on her weight and head size, like 5th percentile.  But she's in the 50th percentile for her length.  The doctor wasn't concerned though, because everything else looked really good.

Here's a glimpse at what Rachel has been up to:

  • She's started "talking" a lot more.  She now says more consonant sounds.  Her favorite sayings are:  "ma ma ma ma"  and "ba ba ba ba."  She says "ma ma" a lot when she's crying.  It really sounds like she knows what she's saying, and trying to call me.
  • She is a rolling machine.  I've never had a baby like this, but she will roll all over the floor.  And so quickly! She really has no interest in the process of crawling. I guess she gets around fine, so why should she try anything else!
  • She's a great eater!  She's still nursing really well, and the majority of the time.  But we've been doing solids as well at night.  She eats most everything.  The only things she doesn't seem to like are peas, green beans, and bananas.  We've only been doing solids once a day so far, but I think I'm going to start doing it twice a day soon.
  • I'd say she's gone from being a great sleeper to an average sleeper.  She usually goes to sleep around 9 now.  Sometimes she wakes up once around 2, and sometimes she'll sleep through until about 6:30.  It goes about half and half.  Sometimes when she wakes up in the night, I can rub her back and she'll go back to sleep for a while, but most of time she just wants to be nursed.  It's not too awful, so usually I'll just nurse her back to sleep. She takes pretty good naps though.  
  • She's still not sitting up. I'm not too concerned, because it seems as though she's just not interested.  It would certainly make my life a lot easier though.  We "practice" every day, and she'll sit up for a few seconds but then she rears back like she would just rather be laying down. And rolling. :)
  • She does like to sit up in her bumbo, and her new favorite thing is playing in her exersaucer.  She plays with all the toys, and jumps and squeals. 
  • She's still very much a mama's girl.  She definitely prefers me, but she will easily go to Josh as well.  But most of the time, if anyone else even gets close, she sticks out her bottom lip and starts crying.  We've been trying to leave her in the nursery at church, and she only lasts for about 5 minutes!  She does love her older brother and sister though, and sometimes they can get her laughing hysterically. It's so cute!
  • The latest, not so cute, thing she's doing is screaming when we take something away from her.  I've been noticing it for a while, but last night when she was taking her bath she got ahold of the cup.  I was letting her hold it, but then I needed it to rinse her off.  I took it away, and she started screaming.  Then if I would give it back, she would immediately calm down.  I tried this several times and she did it every time!  How do they learn this behavior so quickly!?!

                                             Playing outside                       

                             She fell asleep with her knees up, so cute!

Hanging out with Daddy


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